T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

- Thompson, W. Scott
- Thompson, W. Scott The Price Of Achievement
London : Cassell ; 1995 ISBN: 0-304-33301-8
- Thorson, Scott
- Thorson, Scott//Thorleifson, Alex Behind The Candelabra: My Life With Liberace
New York : Knightsbridge Pulishing Company ; 1988 ISBN: 1-877961-11-6
- Tipton, Billy
- Middlebrook, Diane Wood Suits Me: The Double Life Of Billy Tipton
Boston : Houghton Mifflin ; 1998 ISBN: 0-395-65489-0
- Tobias, Andrew
- Tobias, Andrew The Best Little Boy In The Whole World Grows Up
New York : The Ballantine Publishing Group ; 1999 ISBN: 0-345-42379-8
- Toklas, Alice B.
- Stein, Gertrude The Autobiography Of Alice B. Toklas
New York : Random House, Inc. ; 1960 ISBN: none
- Trefusis, Violet
- Jullian, Philippe//Phillips, John The Other Woman: A Life Of Violet Trefusis
Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company ; 1976 ISBN: 0-395-20539-5

T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Top
- Valentine, John
- Valentine, John Puppies
London : GMP Publishers ; 1988 ISBN: 0-85449-094-9 The Center
- van Deurs, Kay
- Van Deurs, Kay The Notebooks That Emma Gave Me: The Atubiography of a Lesbian
Youngsville, New York : Kady van Deurs ; 1978 ISBN: none
- Vidal, Gore
- Kaplan, Fred Gore Vidal: A Biography
New York : Doubleday ; 1999 ISBN: 0-385-47703-1
- Vidal, Gore
- Vidal, Gore Palimpsest: A Memoir
New York : Random House ; 1995 ISBN: 0-679-44038-0
- Vining, Donald
- Vining, Donald A Gay Diary 1933-1946
New York : The Pepys Press ; 1979 ISBN: 0-9602270-1-6
- Vining, Donald
- Vining, Donald A Gay Diary 1946-1954 Volume Two
New York : The Pepys Press ; 1980 ISBN: 0-9602270-2-4
- Vining, Donald
- Vining, Donald A Gay Diary 1954-1967
New York : The Pepys Press ; 1981 ISBN: 0-9602270-5-9

T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Top

- Waters, John
- Ives, John G. John Waters
New York : Thunder's Mouth Press ; 1992 ISBN: 1-56025-033-X
- Whitaker, Rick
- Whitaker, Rick Assuming The Position: A Memoir Of Hustling
New York : Four Walls Eight Windows ; 1999 ISBN: 1-56858-123-8
- White, Mel
- White, Mel Stranger At The Gate: to Be Gay And Christian In America
New York : Simon & Schuster ; 1994 ISBN: 0-671-88407-7
- White, Patrick
- Marr, David Patrick White: A life
New York : Alfred A. Knopf ; 1992 ISBN: 0-394-57435-4
- Whitman, Walt
- Shively, Charley (editor) Calamus Lovers: Walt Whitman's Working Class Camerados
San Francisco : Gay Sunshine Press ; 1987 ISBN: 0-917342-18-6
- Wilde, Oscar
- Wilde, Oscar DeProfundis: Being the First Complete and Accurate Version of 'Epistola: In Carcere et Vinculis' The Last Prose Work in English of Oscar Wilde
New York : Philosophical Library ; 1949 ISBN: none
- Wilde, Oscar
- Hall, Desmond I Give You Oscar Wilde
New York : The New American Library ; 1965 ISBN: none
- Wilde, Oscar
- Pearson, Hesketh The Life Of Oscar Wilde
Harmondsworth, England : Penguin Books ; 1985 ISBN: 0-14-058011-5
- Wilde, Oscar
- Miller, Robert Keith Oscar Wilde
New York : Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. ; 1982 ISBN: 0-8044-2629-5
- Wilde, Oscar
- Ellmann, Richard Oscar Wilde
New York : Alfred A. Knopf ; 1988 ISBN: 0-394-55484-1
- Wilde, Oscar
- Douglas, Lord Alfred Oscar Wilde: A Summing-up
London : The Richards Press ; 1950 ISBN: none
- Wilde, Oscar
- Harris, Frank Oscar Wilde: Including My Memories of Oscar Wilde by George Bernard Shaw
Lansing, Michigan : Michigan State University Press ; 1959 ISBN: none
- Wilde, Oscar
- Croft-Cooke, Rupert The Unrecorded Life of Oscar Wilde
New York : David McKay Co., Inc. ; 1972 ISBN: none
- Williams, Tennessee
- Williams, Tennessee Memoirs
Garden City, New York : Doubleday & Company ; 1975 ISBN: 0-385-00573-3 HARDCOVER
- Williams, Tennessee
- Williams, Tennessee Memoirs
New York : Bantam Books ; 1976 ISBN: 0-553-02768-9 PAPERBACK
- Woolf, Leonard
- Woolf, Leonard The Autobiography of Leonard Woolf: Beginning Again, 1911 to 1918
San Diego : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich ; 1975 ISBN: 0-15-611680-4
- Woolf, Leonard
- Woolf, Leonard The Autobiography of Leonard Woolf: Downhill All the Way, 1919 to 1939
San Diego : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich ; 1975 ISBN: 0-15-626145-6
- Woolf, Leonard
- Woolf, Leonard The Autobiography of Leonard Woolf: Growing, 1904 to 1911
San Diego : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich ; 1975 ISBN: 0-15-637215-0
- Woolf, Leonard
- Woolf, Leonard The Autobiography of Leonard Woolf: Sowing, 1880 to 1904
San Diego : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich ; 1975 ISBN: 0-15-683945-8
- Woolf, Leonard
- Woolf, Leonard The Letters of Leonard Woolf
San Diego : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich ; 1989 ISBN: 0-15-650879-6
- Woolley, Robert
- Woolley, Robert Going Once: A Memoir Of Art, Society, And Charity
New York : Simon & Schuster ; 1995 ISBN: 0-684-81385-8

- Zaharias, Babe Didrikson
- Cayleff, Susan E. Babe: The Life and Legend of Babe Didrikson Zaharias
Chicago : University of Illinois Press ; 1995 ISBN: 0-252-01793-5
- Zuniga, Jose
- Zuniga, Jose Soldier Of The Year: The Story Of A Gay American Patriot
New York : Pocket Books ; 1994 ISBN: 0-671-88814-5

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