AB | CD | EFG | HIJ | KLM | NOP | QRS | T-Z
Ha | Hu | I | J

Lambert, Royston Beloved and God: The Story of Hadrian and Antinous
Secaucus, New Jersey : Meadowland Books ; 1988 ISBN: 0-8216-2003-7
Hall, Radclyffe
Troubridge, Una The Life Of Radclyffe Hall
New York : The Citadel Press ; 1963 ISBN: none
Hall, Radclyffe
Dickson, Lovat Radclyffe Hall At The Well Of Loneliness
New York : Charles Scribner's Sons ; 1975 ISBN: 0-684-14530-8
Hall, Radclyffe
Souhami, Diana The Trials of Radclyffe Hall
London : Wiedenfeld & Nicolson ; 1998 ISBN: 0-297-81825-2
Hansen, Denny
Trillin, Calvin Remembering Denny
New York : Farrar Straus Giroux ; 1993 ISBN: 0-374-22607-5
Haring, Keith
Gruen, John Keith Haring: The Authorized Biography
New York : Simon & Schuster ; 1992 ISBN: 0-671-78150-2
Harvard Graduates, various
Marotta, Toby Sons of Harvard: Gay Men from the Class of 1967
New York : William Morrow and Company ; 1982 ISBN: 0-688-01020-2 HARDCOVER
Harvard Graduates, various
Marotta, Toby Sons of Harvard: Gay Men from the Class of 1967
New York : Quill ; 1983 ISBN: 0-688-01907-2 PAPERBACK
Hay, Harry
Timmons, Stuart The Trouble With Harry Hay
Boston : Alyson ; 1991 ISBN: 1-55583-111-7
Hayes, Billy
Hayes, Billy (with William Hoffer) Midnight Express
New York : Popular Library ; 1977 ISBN: 0-44504302-4
Hellman, Lillian
Hellman, Lillian Scoundrel Time
New York : Bantam Books ; 1977 ISBN: 0-555-10282-6
Helms, Alan
Helms, Alan Young Man From The Provinces: A Gay Life Before Stonewall
Boston : Faber & Faber ; 1995 ISBN: 0-571-19880-5
Hickok, Lorena
Faber, Doris The Life Of Lorena Hickok: E.R.'s Friend
New York : William Morrow & Company ; 1980 ISBN: 0-688-03631-7
Holobaugh, Jim
Holobaugh, Jim//Hale, Keith Torn Allegiances: The Story Of A Gay Cadet
Boston : Alyson Publications, Inc. ; 1993 ISBN: 1-55583-216-4
Horrigan, Patrick
Horrigan, Patrick Widescreen Dreams: Growing Up Gay At The Movies
Madison, Wisconsin : The University Of Wisconsin Press ; 1999 ISBN: 0-299-16160-9

Ha | Hu | I | J | Top

- Hudson, Rock
- Oppenheimer, Jerry//Vitek, Jack Idol: Rock Hudson-The True Story of an American Film Hero
New York : Villard Books ; 1986 ISBN: 0-394-55489-2
- Hudson, Rock
- Clark, Tom//Kleiner, Dick Rock Hudson: Friend of Mine
New York : Pharos Books ; 1990 ISBN: 0-88687-562-5
- Hudson, Rock
- Hudson, Rock//Davidson, Sara Rock Hudson: His Story
New York : William Morrow ; 1986 ISBN: 0-688-06472-8
- Hughes, Langston
- Hughes, Langston The Big Sea: An Autobiography
New York : Thunder's Mouth Press ; 1986 ISBN: 0-938410-33-4
- Hughes, Langston
- Berry, Faith Langston Hughes: Before and Beyond Harlem
Westport, CT : Lawrence Hill & Company ; 1983 ISBN: 0-88208-157-8
- Hutton, Robert
- Hutton, Robert Of Those Alone: An Autobiography
London : Sidgwick And Jackson Limited ; 1958 ISBN: none

Ha | Hu | I | J | Top

- Isherwood, Christopher
- Isherwood, Christopher Christopher and His Kind: 1929-1939
New York : Farrar Straus Giroux ; 1976 ISBN: 0-374-31256-7 HARDCOVER
- Isherwood, Christopher
- Isherwood, Christopher Christopher and His Kind: 1929-1939
New York : Avon Books ; 1977 ISBN: 0-380-01795-4 PAPERBACK
- Isherwood, Christopher
- Lehmann, John Christopher Isherwood: A Personal Memoir
New York : Henry Holt and Company ; 1989 ISBN: 0-8050-1029-7

Ha | Hu | I | J | Top

- Jackson, Donna
- Jackson, Donna Honorable Discharge . . . Memoirs of an Army Dyke: The Donna Jackson Story
San Francisco, Califonia : Christie & Stefin Company ; 1993 ISBN: 0-9639855-0-7
- Jackson, Michael
- Gutierrez, Victor M. The Secret Diary Of Jordie Chandler
Santiago, Chile : Victor M. Gutierrez Prieto ; 1996 ISBN: 956-272-305-4
- Jackson-Paris, Rod and Bob
- Jackson-Paris, Rod and Bob Straight From The Heart: A Love Story
New York : Warner Books ; 1994 ISBN: 0-446-51748-8 HARDCOVER
- Jackson-Paris, Rod and Bob
- Jackson-Paris, Rod and Bob Straight From The Heart: A Love Story
New York : Warner Books ; 1995 ISBN: 0-446-67066-9 PAPERBACK
- Jarman, Derek
- Peake, Tony Derek Jarman: A Biography
Woodstock, New York : The Overlook Press ; 2000 ISBN: 1-58567-066-9
- Joan of Arc
- Sackville-West,Vita Saint Joan of Arc
New York : Image Books-Doubleday ; 1991 ISBN: 0-385-42109-5
- Johnson, Chris//Brown, Cathy
- Johnson, Chris//Brown, Cathy The Gender Trap
London : Proteus ; 1982 ISBN: 0-906071-54-2
- Jorgensen, Christine
- Jorgensen, Christine Christine Jorgensen: A Personal Autobiography
New York : Bantam Books ; 1967 ISBN: none