
N | O | P

- Navratilova, Martina
- Navratilova, Martina//Vecsey, George Martina
New York : Alfred A. Knopf ; 1985 ISBN: 0-394-53640-1
- Near, Holly
- Near, Holly Fire In The Rain...Singer In The Storm
New York : William Morrow and Company, Inc. ; 1990 ISBN: 0-688-08733-7
- Nicolson, Nigel//Sackville-West, Vita
- Nicolson, Nigel Portrait Of a Marriage
New York : Atheneum ; 1973 ISBN: none
- Niemann, Linda
- Neimann, Linda Boomer Railroad Memoirs
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania : Cleis Press ; 1990 ISBN: 0-939416-55-7
- Nin, Anais
- Nin, Anais The Diary of Anais Nin: Volume Four 1944-1947
New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich ; 1971 ISBN: 0-15-626028-X
- Nin, Anais
- Nin, Anais The Diary of Anais Nin: Volume Three 1939-1944
New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich ; 1969 ISBN: 0-15-626027-1
- Nin, Anais
- Nin, Anais The Journals Of Anais Nin: Volume Six 1955-1966
London : Quartet Books ; 1976 ISBN: 0-7043-3237-X
- Norse, Harold
- Norse, Harold Memoirs Of A Bastard Angel
New York : William Morrow and Co. ; 1989 ISBN: 0-688-06704-2
- O'Dowd, George (Boy George)
- Ginsberg, Merle Boy George
New York : Dell Publishing Company ; 1984 ISBN: 0-440-10761-X
- O'Hara, Frank
- Gooch, Brad City Poet: The Life And Times Of Frank O'Hara
New Yor : HarperCollins ; 1994 ISBN: 0-06-097613-6
- O'Keeffe, Georgia//Stieglitz, Alfred
- Eisler, Benita O'Keeffe and Stieglitz: An American Romance
New York : Doubleday ; 1991 ISBN: 0-385-26122-5
- Orton, Joe
- Shepherd, Simon Because We're Queers: The Life and Crimes of Kenneth Halliwell and Joe Orton
London : GMP Publishers Ltd. ; 1989 ISBN: 0-85449-090-6
- Orton, Joe
- Orton, Joe The Orton Diaries: Including the Correspondence of Edna Welthorde and Others
New York : Harper & Row Publishers ; 1986 ISBN: None PAPERBACK
- Orton, Joe
- Orton, Joe The Orton Diaries: Including the Correspondence of Edna Welthorde and Others
New York : Harper & Row Publishers ; 1986 ISBN: 0-06-091498-X PAPERBACK
- Orton, Joe
- Lahr, John Prick Up Your Ears: The Biography Of Joe Orton
New York : Avon Books ; 1980 ISBN: 0-380-48629-6
- Orton, Joe
- Lahr, John Prick Up Your Ears: The Biography Of Joe Orton
New York : Random House, Inc. ; 1987 ISBN: 0-394-75305-4

N | O | P | Top

- Pallone, Dave
- Pallone, Dave//Steinberg, Allen Behind the Mask: My Double Life in Baseball
New York : Viking ; 1990 ISBN: 0-670-83312-6
- Paris, Bob
- Paris, Bob Gorilla Suit: My Adventures In Bodybuilding
New York : St. Martin's Press ; 1997 ISBN: 0-312-16855-1
- Peck, Scott
- Peck, Scott All-American Boy
New York : Scribner ; 1995 ISBN: 0-02-595362-1
- Peck, Scott
- Peck,. Scott All-Americian Boy: Scott Peck A Memoir
Los Angeles : Alyson Books ; 1997 ISBN: 1-55583-400-0
- Phillips, Jan
- Phillips, Jan Born Gay: Images And Reflections Of An Ordinary Lesbian
Syracuse, New York : JP Communications ; 1996 ISBN: none
- Picano, Felice
- Picano, Felice Ambidextrous: A Memoir in the Form of a Novel
New York : American Library ; 1989 ISBN: 0-452-26315-8
- Picano, Felice
- Picano, Felice A House On The Ocean, A House On The Bay: A Memoir
Boston : Faber & Faber ; 1997 ISBN: 0-571-19913-5 HARDCOVER
- Picano, Felice
- Picano, Felice A House On The Ocean, A House On The Shore
Boston : Faber and Faber ; 1997 ISBN: 0-571-19936-4 PAPERBACK
- Picano, Felice
- Picano, Felice Men Who Loved Me: A Memoir in the Form of a Novel
New York : Plume, New American Library ; 1989 ISBN: 0-453-00700-7 HARDCOVER
- Picano, Felice
- Picano, Felice Men Who Loved Me: A Memoir in the Form of a Novel
New York : Plume ; 1989 ISBN: 0-452-26528-2 PAPERBACK
- Plato//Dionysius
- Marcuse, Ludwig Plato and Dionysius: A Double Biography
New York : Alfred A. Knopf ; 1947 ISBN: none
- Power, Tyrone
- Arce, Hector The Secret Life of Tyrone Power
New York : William Morrow and Company ; 1979 ISBN: None HARDCOVER
- Power, Tyrone
- Arce, Hector The Secret Life of Tyrone Power
New York : Bantam Books ; 1980 ISBN: 0-553-13310-1 PAPERBACK
- Powys, Llewelyn
- Powys, Llewelyn Ebony and Ivory
New York : American Library Service ; 1923 ISBN: N/A
- Preston, John
- Preston, John Winter's Light: Reflections Of A Yankee Queer
Hanover, New Hampshire : University Press of New England ; 1995 ISBN: 0-87451-674-9
- Proust, Marcel
- Miller, Milton L. Nostalgia: A Psychoanalytic Study of Marcel Proust
Cambridge, Massachusetts : Houghton Mifflin Company ; 1956 ISBN: none

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