Homeowner ENews
Montesoro, Borrego
October 2, 2007
Hi everyone,
Well - here we are -
a new season, new homes under construction, new paved roads, new
entrance, new kiosk (a very large one), new landscaping. Several
Montesoro Golf & Social Club members and homeowners will be returning
for the season and now is a good time to bring you up-to-date on what
has been happening this past summer in the development of Montesoro.
The Clubhouse will probably be sending out its own news soon.
As I sit here at my
desk gazing upon the expansive view of Borrego Valley and the Santa Rosa
Mountains beyond I can't help but reflect on the past few months since
the June Newsletter.
Home Construction

has happened during these summer months. Stucco application has
begun on the Hacienda models. The exteriors of the 3 Carrizo
models are complete & another Carrizo is in the framing stages.
Nine new foundations have been poured in the lower "Santa Fe"
neighborhood bringing the total to 13 Carrizo homes under construction.
Lights, Camera, Action
Many of you have complained about
the noise, the construction traffic, the dust, and the lights. Yes
- LIGHTS ! For reasons not yet explained work on the Carrizo homes
begins at 3:00 AM which necessitates the use of very bright flood
lights. Temperatures have dropped to below 100 degrees so why 3:00
AM? And couldn't the flood lights at least shine AWAY from Santa
Fe rather than directly into Santa Fe? And the dust from the
construction vehicles - how about a little more consideration for the
current residents? Spray the streets with some water now and then
to rid us of the dust that is entering the homes along the construction
route. Perhaps there is relief in sight. We have this update
from Bob Kriensky:
"Oct 1, 2007 - Some of the
trucks were for paving the association streets last month.
Montesoro had paving trucks go through last week because we were
paving Vallecitos 3 and working on concrete in the street of Santa
Fe 2 which cut off both accesses to the construction entrance.
Today, tomorrow and Friday we will have concrete trucks running
through the main entrance for the same reasons. This will happen off
and on for the next 30 days and then after that for the most part we
should be fine."
The Santa Rosa
neighborhood has received the finish layer of asphalt on their roads and
the roads in the new Hacienda section have been laid as have the roads
in the lower "Santa Fe" neighborhood.
Some of the
homeowners originally dubbed the new "boulder" entrance as Flintstone
Ville. Now however with the huge infusion of desert landscaping
the entrance is beginning to take on the look of a lush desert garden.
Kiosk may be an
understatement for the new security entrance building. Some would
call it a house. It comes complete with a fireplace, arched windows, and
a detached garage. Pretty impressive.
The completed golf
course is now in the over seeding mode and soon will be a green oasis of
golfing pleasure for members and guests of Montesoro. Look for
news on this from Montesoro.

continues in the lower "Santa Fe" neighborhood and a very attractive
pedestrian path has been created that meanders between the new home
Camp Cahuilla is now
in place and the "Community Pool" is history as is the spa pool (which
has been filled in with sand). Note the SPA RULES sign below - someone
has a sense of humor.
Santa Fe Pool & Tennis Club
Solar Water Panels
have all been removed from the Santa Fe Pool & Tennis Club area.
The area is definitely showing its age and is greatly in need of a
facelift or total re-construct. The pool equipment is aging and
the concrete is splitting and peeling badly around the spa pool.
It has been stated that RH Capital will do the work on this area with
the addition of more members using it.
If you have walked
the path from the Santa Rosa neighborhood to the Clubhouse then you have
no doubt noticed the paint "samples" on the side of one of the Santa
Rosa homes. Does anyone out there know how long that eyesore is
going to remain? And is this an indication that more painting is
to come? Let us know so we can share this information with all of
the residents at Montesoro and solve the mystery.
There have been some
changes. Kevin, Heather & Dianna are no longer working at
Montesoro. There jobs were terminated this past month. Kevin
will be pursuing his culinary talents in San Francisco. More on
this will probably be forthcoming in the Clubhouse Newsletter.
Montesoro Accommodations
As many of you know,
not long after GH Capital purchased Rams Hill Country Club the company
also took over the Home Rental Program at Montesoro. For those
homeowners who have their homes listed with the Montesoro Property
Management there is good news. GH Capital recently agreed to
provide Golf & Clubhouse packages to guests who reserve a home through
the Montesoro Property Management. Details of these packages will
soon be posted the
www.montesoropropertymanagement.com website.
One thing is always
certain in Borrego Springs - rumors abound. And the same holds
true for Montesoro. Rumors have been circulating that GH Capital
has run out of money, can't get loans. And still more rumors - GH
Capital is going to sell the market they purchased as Christmas Circle,
they are buying Borrego Springs Resort, and La Casa del Zorro. It
all makes for great conversation in the lounge at the Clubhouse.
If you were to ask any one person at Montesoro, homeowner or company
employee, what is happening next - you will get several different
answers. Eventually - the facts become clear and substantiated and
then we move on to another fresh rumor. There is never a dull
moment at Montesoro.
Well that's it
for this edition. Enjoy the season at Montesoro.
Pat McArron