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PO Box 119
Borrego Springs, CA
Fax: 760-767-1159
May 2005 Back Nine and Fallow Nine are under construction during the summer months. Check with the Clubhouse for updates. The Front Nine are available for play during construction. See April below for more information about the new course. Changes have been made to the CC&Rs & By-laws. Click here for a letter from RHCA President, Ginny O'Neel, addressed to all of the Rams Hill Property Owners, May 11, 2005. Click here for ►May News from the Clubhouse. April 2005 Re-design of the the Golf Course has begun with the complete clearing of the fallow nine and work will proceed during the summer months to transform those nine and the current back nine into a brand new golf course designed by noted golf architect Tom Fazio. Click here to see a conceptual color map of the redesigned golf course. Member Appreciation Party at the Clubhouse, April 22, 2005 (photo gallery) RH Homeowners Annual Meeting was Friday April 8, 2005. Click here for detailsSpecial Neighborhood Board Meetings : All Neighborhood Boards of Directors met Monday, April 25 @ 1 pm @ the Clubhouse to discuss & vote on proposed amendments to the CC&Rs. Meeting was preceded with a buffet Lunch @ 12 noon. All homeowners are welcome at these meetings.November 2004 Work was completed on the new Neighborhood Exit Gate. A Homeowner Welcome Back party was held on Friday, Nov 12 at the Santa Rosa Recreation Center. Clubhouse Bar-B-Q enjoyed by 200 homeowners ! A great time was had by all. Approximately 200 homeowners gathered at the clubhouse Nov 27, 2004 to meet the new owners of the resort. Music was provided by Dick Matson's Swing'n Jazz trio from Borrego Springs. The food and beverages were provided by Greg Perlman and David Itzikman, the new owners of Rams Hill. We also celebrated Greg's birthday with a huge cake and heard a few words from Greg about the future of Rams Hill. View a slide show of the party. October 2004 New owners met with the Rams Hill Community Association Board of Directors. During a luncheon meeting Rams Hill Country Club owners Greg Perlman & David Itzikman had lots of questions for the RHCA Board. What would be described as a cordial meeting directors shared comments, concerns & historical perspective with Mr. Perlman & Mr. Itzikman. The search continues for golf management and no decisions have been made regarding Clubhouse Dining according to Perlman & Itzikman. They reiterated that the purchase of Rams Hill was an all cash deal and no lenders were involved. They stated they are here for the long haul and are still determining their best course of action. They also stated that golf memberships would be honored. September 2004 Rams Hill Country Club changes hands again. We have new owners of the Country Club and Golf Course. The new owner is purportedly GH Capital and a new General Manager has been put in place. His name is David Itzikman. The golf course will be closed on September 16th for annual reseeding. August 2004 Tree Trimming is in progress. Please see important notices for more information. Work continues on the Homeowners' Exit Gate. The Gate is functional but not yet in use. Waiting for new safety signage and the installation of a speed bump. Additional Pool Keys for Santa Fe Neighborhood homeowners only are available at the RHCA office for a $100.00 deposit. June 2004 Pool is Open ! May 29, 2004 Community Pool continues to have its ups and downs. open, closed, open, closed....... Please call RHCA office for the latest information on the situation. May 16, 2004 Community Center Pool OPEN David Hoskins gave his ok today to officially open the pool. The pump motor has been repaired, pool vacuumed a couple of times, filter cleaned and chemicals added. According to Alan (pool man), the pool is safe to use for now. Everyone keep your fingers crossed. April 20, 2004 Community Recreation Pool (located adjacent to the Casitas) is CLOSED until further notice. The Pool pump has ceased to work. The Spa Pool pump continues to work but the heater does not. Work is being done to get the pump on the swimming pool working again. Call Kerin at the HOA office for the latest information. Annual Meeting of Members of the Rams Hill Community Associationwas held on Friday, April 2, 2004 @ 2pmLA CASA DEL ZORRO IN THE KIVA ROOM.Nearly 75 people attended the meeting. Community Association Board of Directors2004 - 2005
The Community Association meets during the season on a monthly basis. During the summer the board is in contact by e-mail, phone and conference calls. More than one member of the association spends several hours daily working on association business. Fran Allen, Treasurer, recently volunteered to supervise the landscape contractor and his employees. He walks the entire project weekly making notes on improvements to be made, plant material to be added and watching the progress or lack there of. April 2004 Extremely IMPORTANT INFORMATION for all Rams Hill homeowners !! Kerin Shugart at the Rams Hill Community Association office reports that there is a serious rodent problem in the neighborhoods. Some of you kind hearted people are feeding the birds. Not only is this NOT good for the birds (because they will rely on you for food and not follow their natural hunting & searching instinct) it is also a violation of the rules of the association. The bird seed that falls to the ground is attracting the rodents and instead of going for the bait that is set out for them they eat the bird seed instead. PLEASE PLEASE do NOT feed the birds or any of the other wild animals of the desert. As pleasurable as it may be to attract these creatures to your home for close-up viewing it is not good for them or for the property. Another attraction to rodents is open garbage cans & uncontained plastic bags. Please make certain that when you set garbage out it is secure and in the Casita area please take extra care when using the dumpsters. Do not overfill them, keep the lids closed. Bottom line - we all need to do what it takes to discourage rodents from making our home their home. I have personally heard horror stories from some of the residents who experienced interior damage to wiring etc from rodents. |