Renter Information Form
The Rams Hill Community
Association operates the Entry Kiosk. In an
effort to provide our community with effective access control, as of March 1, 2010, the following
in effect.
We require the information on the
Renter Information Form
in order to allow any renters access to the property. We have also
attached a copy of the Rams Hill Community Association rules, and remind
you that this must be given to every renter. According to Community
CC&Rs, all owners are held accountable for the actions of their renters.
If you are renting your unit, it is your responsibility to see that all
renters understand these rules.
If you are in possession of an access control device, it will be
de-activated as renters leave, and re-activated upon the arrival of the
new renter, at which time they will also be given a parking pass for the
We must have a list of all renters from you each week, by fax or e-
mail. We do not want to put any renter in an embarrassing situation by
denying them access.
One last item, if you are expecting guests, housekeepers, landscapers,
repair people, deliveries etc, please notify security at 767-4259, or by
We will have a gate pass made up for them if they come on a regular
basis, or a temporary access pass for repairs, visits or deliveries. If
we have not been notified, you will be called at the time of arrival, or
access will not be granted.
Thank you for your
Rams Hill Community
Association Board of Directors
Renter Information Form

Professional HOA Consultants, Inc.
PO Box 1928
Borrego Springs, CA 92004-1928
Office: 760-767-1158 | Fax: 760-767-1159 | E-mail: rhca@cableusa.com