Continued from Borrego Springs Development

Extensive Studies: Over the last 15 years the owners have accumulated these land parcels and created the plottage for developing this corner and frontage to serve the growing needs of the Borrego Springs community. Demographics show that about 1/3rd of the population  base  live closer to Patterson's Corner than to Christmas Circle. Also the population market  will  include the largest numbers of employees from La Casa del Zorro and the guests at the hotel. The anticipated build out of 1500 homes at Rams Hill and the 800 or more homes at Borrego Springs  Country Club will substantially enhance businesses operating from Patterson's  Corner.  The traffic on both sides of this street include traffic to and from Ocotillo Wells,  Julian, and the  many farms and homes in the outlying area as well as tourists en route to Borrego.


There is no service facility currently closer than approximately five miles away at the Christmas Circle Area.  Developing Patterson's Corner into a commercial center will be a convenience to the growing population in this area of Borrego Springs.

Goal:  Owners  would like to sell the 40 acres as a complete package. They are looking for a master lessee or developer or will consider developing themselves and look for service-oriented businesses to locate on the property. The owners would also exchange this development parcel for other investment property.  They are very experienced and creative in the exchange marketplace. They can add other properties for the right deal.

                                   Price and Equity: $1,150,000/$950,000 equity

                                   Can  adds:    
3 Units in Borrego Springs.   $250,000/$208,000
                                                                Trust Deeds

Contact:     Catherine Darragh, Realtor
                                                                J.L. Bernhardt Assoc.
                                                                4119 Atascadero Drive
                                                                San Diego, CA 92107
                                                                619.224-8584/Fax 619.523-1034


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