City of San Diego gives $600,000 in Community Block Grant monies to the Lesbian and Gay Center for Social Services to be used for the acquisition of a building.
Gay and Lesbian Vegetarians of San Diego is founded in January by Brett Garrett.
Over 1,000 cardboard tombstones commemorate those who have died of AIDS in San Diego County at a memorial service February 4 in Balboa Park.
Studio 856, �a space for Lesbian culture,� opens its doors in February in downtown San Diego at 856 8th Ave. It provides a gathering place for lesbians to share their art and writing and to create and perform new works.
The San Diego Police Department creates liaison officers for specific community groups in April. Matthew Weathersby was appointed as the first liaison officer to the gay and lesbian community.
Karen Merry opens Paradigm Women�s Books in April on Kettner Blvd. She has operated a wholesale music distribution business for seven years prior to this.
Human Dignity Ordinance (HDO) becomes law in San Diego on May 16. The HDO offers civil rights protection making it illegal to discriminate against any person in housing or employment on the basis of sexual orientation. This ordinance was cosponsored by Councilpersons Wes Pratt and Abby Wolfsheimer.
Frank Buttino, an FBI agent, has his security clearance revoked in May and is fired for being gay. Mr. Buttino, an agent for 20 years, was placed on leave without pay when it was discovered that he is gay. The Bureau refused to consider his exemplary record and fired him citing �exploitable sexual conduct.�
200 evangelists attend the fifth annual �Trauma and Sexuality� conference in San Diego. The purpose is to discuss �recovery� for homosexuality. Sy Rogers, a born again Christian and �recovered� homosexual is the featured speaker.
MCC of San Diego celebrates its 20th anniversary in June.
The 16th annual San Diego Lesbian/Gay Pride Parade in June features Cynthia Lawrence-Wallace and Fundi, the first African-Americans to be chosen to lead the local event.
The San Diego AIDS Project and AIDS Assistance Fund merge operations in July. Citing cumbersome and repetitive application procedures for assistance as well as financial constraints, the two primary support organizations for PWAs and PWARCs combine their operations to become the AIDS Foundation San Diego.
Bobby Allen was crowned Emperor de San Diego XIX and Nicole Ramirez Murray Empress de San Diego XIX in the Imperial Court Coronation on July 14.
An essay and several cartoons of author Diane Germain are included in Silverleaf�s Choice: An Anthology of Lesbian Humor. Germain is one of the founding mothers of Dykes on Hikes, the Lesbian Referral Service and the theatre group Beautiful Lesbian Thespians.
Police officer John Graham comes out to the lesbian and gay press at The Center in Hillcrest in October. A highly respected officer, Graham said he felt it was important to come out so that gay men and lesbians could see that they could become police officers and be good ones. Chief of Police Bob Burgreen encouraged Graham in his action.
On December 5th, the first person prosecuted locally for committing a hate crime against a gay man was sentenced to 60 days in County Jail with a work furlough program recommended. Bradley John Fowler, son of San Diego Sockers owner Ron Fowler, pleaded guilty to �interfering with the civil rights of a person because of their sexual orientation,� and to grand theft. The incident occurred in Hillcrest on September 3. He was fined $260 and will volunteer at the AIDS Assistance Fund.
On December 14, Richard K. Edgil becomes the second San Diego police officer, after John Graham, to come out while on the police force. He is a native San Diegan.
San Diego State University�s Women�s Studies Department celebrates its 20th anniversary in December. It is the oldest women�s studies department in the country. The head of the department is Dr. Bonnie Zimmerman, author of The Safe Sea of Women, Lesbian Fiction 1969-1989.
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David Y. Products, Inc., the makers of a new line of hair care products by the same name, announces the formation of a nonprofit entity designed to raise money for organizations that assist persons with AIDS. The charity has been guaranteed 100% of gross sales, to be distributed to hospices and homecare organizations. David Y. Products was founded this year and is headquartered in San Diego.
Project Lifeguard celebrates its one-year anniversary on February 6th. Lifeline meetings consist of intimate discussions among a group of 10-15 gay and bisexual men about the impact of AIDS on their lives.
�The Gathering,� authored by activist/writer M. Corinne Mackey, took place at the Lyceum Theatre in Horton Plaza on February 11. It was sponsored by Lesbians and Gays of African Descent United (LAGADU). The performance art piece consisted of short skits about reclaiming, healing, affirming, and celebrating African-American lesbians and gays.
The San Diego organization of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACTUP) is reformed during the summer, its third incarnation.
Albert Bell is elected the Southern California Chair of the Democratic Party Lesbian and Gay Caucus in March. His election at the State Party Convention in Oakland makes him a full voting member of the California Democratic Party Executive Board. This is the first such position for a member of the lesbian and gay community of San Diego.
The Nations of the 4 Directions is founded. It is a support group for lesbian, gay, and bisexual Native Americans.
British playwright Debby Klein created six very different lesbian characters and brought them together in a steamy soap/play, �Coming Soon: A Sapphic Sudsaga,� presented by San Diego�s Diversionary Theatre.
A lesbian version of the traditional fairytale, Cinderella, was created by Cheryl Moch. In �Cinderella: The Real True Story,� the heroine falls for the princess instead of the prince. The play was presented by Labrys Productions, San Diego�s lesbian theatre company.
The arts organization and production company Fresh Dish is established to support emerging local artists and present diverse gay and lesbian performers from around the country.
A gay and lesbian contingent is among the 100 units that marches in the coming home rally for those who served in the Gulf War. 100,000 spectators watch the parade.
For the first time, local openly gay and lesbian law enforcement officers take part in the San Diego Pride Parade.
As of September 30, 2,898 cases of AIDS have been confirmed in San Diego County since 1981.
A noon rally Friday October 4 is held outside the California State Building to protest Governor Pete Wilson�s veto of AB101. The bill would have outlawed employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Much anger is expressed at Wilson�s �betrayal.� He courted the gay and lesbian vote and indicated he would support the measure.
�Our World News� debuts October 11 as a monthly half-hour telecast on Cox Cable TV�s Channel 24 Community Service TV.
Lesbian firefighter Patricia Stone and her lover police officer Natalie Stone come out to the public at the Coming Out luncheon held at WD�s on October 11. Patricia becomes the first openly lesbian/gay member of the San Diego Fire Department, and Natalie the first open lesbian in the Police Department and the City�s third openly gay or lesbian police officer. The luncheon was sponsored by SOLO. At the same event Municipal Court Commissioner Sandy Berry who has lived as an open lesbian for many years, makes her first public statement.
A Coming Out Day rally at Police Department Headquarters supports openly gay and lesbian officers in San Diego.
�Stop the Church� is broadcast on KPBS Public Television. The highly controversial film depicts a demonstration by ACTUP against the Catholic Church in New York City. Despite protests, KPBS airs the film in October.
The first meeting of USD�s Student Alliance Embracing Sexual Orientations (SAESO) is held October 30. This is a first for an undergraduate group at this Catholic university. Founder and president Pete Fajkowski introduced members of the school administration and faculty advisors and explained the goals and concerns of the organization.
San Diego�s first gay and lesbian Halloween street party is held October 31 in front of the future home of The Center on Normal St. Hundreds of people participate.
The San Diego Women�s Chorus participates in the Sixth National Women�s Choral Festival in Houston in November.
Assembly member Mike Gotch and Councilmember Bob Filner attend the official opening of the San Diego AIDS Adult Day Health Care Center on November 14. One of three such centers in the U.S., the facility offers medical and mental health services, physical and occupational therapy, hot meals, and recreational activities for HIV-infected individuals. Newly elected City Councilmember Valerie Stallings appoints local activist Stan Lewis to her staff. Lewis is a former president of the San Diego chapter of Dignity (LGBT Catholics) and has served as administrative vice-president of the San Diego Democratic Club.
A rally and march are organized by Michael Spradley and Tony Valenzuela to commemorate the life of John Robert Wear and other victims of recent �gaybashing� murders and assaults. Wear and two friends were victims of a hate crime in December in Hillcrest. Community response was fast and strong and included neighborhood patrols.
The Gay Community Defense Committee (Comite en Defensa de la Communidad de Ambiente) is formed in December in response to raids of Tijuana gay-lesbian bars. The goal is to create a dialogue between the gay-lesbian community and local authorities.
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Black and White Men Together (also known as People of All Colors Together) presents its first Martin Luther King Jr. Award for Civil Rights Achievement to Rev. David Farrell of the MCC of San Diego.
Members of the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Association of UCSD, in their ongoing efforts to increase their visibility, hold their first kiss-in on campus. Their action addresses the issue of double standards for displays of affection.
San Diego�s first gay-lesbian-bisexual legal association is formed in February, The Tom Homann Law Association. Homann was one of San Diego�s leading civil rights attorneys. He died last year of complications of AIDS.
Supervisor Leon Williams appoints activist Dr. Cynthia Lawrence-Wallace to the County Human Relations Commission. She joins Vicky Butcher as the second woman of African descent And Charles McKain as the second openly gay person on the 15-member panel.
Voice Magazine beings publishing on a biweekly basis.
The San Diego City Council honors the gay and lesbian community with a proclamation that July is Lesbian and Gay Archives month. Councilmember George Stevens does not sign the proclamation saying he refuses to "support any legislation which would promote adultery or homosexuality." Tony Valenzuela of the Lesbian and Gay Community Center and Debbie Zeyher, President of the Lesbian and Gay Archives, are on hand to receive the proclamation from Mayor Maureen O'Connor. SDGL Times 6/27/92 photo.
Members of ACT/UP San Diego join over 2,000 ACT/UP and Queer Nation activists at the Republican National Convention at the Houston Astrodome to confront the Republican Party for its role in promoting homophobia, neglecting AIDS, and embracing the bigotry of the religious right fundamentalists. SDGL Times 8/20/92 p.11 photo.
El Cajon police officer Chuck Merino is notified by the local council of the Boy Scouts that he is no longer welcome in its Explorer program because he no longer meets "the high standards for membership which the Boy Scouts of America seeks to provide for American youth." Earlier in the year Merino came out publicly as a gay man during a community meeting held to plan a response to hate crimes against gays in the Hillcrest area. He chaired the Citizen's Patrol, which was formed to combat the crimes. SDGL Times 9/20/92 p.11.
The first public meeting of Mayor Maureen O'Connor's Gay and Lesbian Advisory Board is attended by over 100 persons. A majority of those attending complain about the narrow makeup of the board, stressing the need for more diverse community representation, and criticize the method used to determine community priorities, pointing out the lack of input from a broad sector of the gay and lesbian community. SDGL Times 9/24/92 p.11.
The Lesbian and Gay Men's Community Center officially opens its new facility at 3916 Normal Street. Over 400 community members attend the opening at which the late Jess Jessop is acknowledged for founding the Center in 1969. In 1990 Councilmember Hartley gained approval of a $600,000 grant from the city for the new Center and Mayor O'Connor obtained $100,000 in public money. At the opening, proclamations are given to Chris Kehoe and Scott Fulkerson who were instrumental in working on the project. SDGL Times 10/1/92 p.9 photo.
The Human Rights Commission condemns the San Diego Council of Boy Scouts for its decision to expel police office Chuck Merino from its Explorer program because he is gay. Police Chief Bob Burgreen ends the police contract with the Boy Scouts. SDGL Times 10/22/92 p.34.
The Lesbian And Gay Archives opens its doors at 4545 Park Boulevard in University Heights on Coming Out Day, October 11. One hundred persons visit on opening day to view displays and peruse periodicals and books.
AIDS Walk raises nearly $250,000, the largest AIDS fundraiser this year. Allocations from the march go to the Lesbian and Gay Community Center and to other local nonprofit direct�service providers. More than 5,000 people participate in the walk along the bay, doubling 1991�s attendance. SDGL Times 1/28/93 p.14 photo.
The San Diego Unified School District Board of Education approves a policy prohibiting discrimination against both employees and students based on sexual orientation. The board approves the policy in the face of an overwhelming show of community opposition. SDGL Times 12/2/92 p.9.
Sheriff Jim Roache, the San Diego ACLU, and Lambda Legal Defense Fund announce the resolution of a lawsuit in which Laura Shands alleged sexual orientation discrimination in the Sheriff�s Academy. As a result of the lawsuit, the Department�s policy manual will be amended to forbid prejudice or harassment based on sexual orientation. SDGL Times 12/10/92 p.8.
(Marti) Corinne Mackey, well-known writing and activist, dies of cancer at age 42. She was a founding member of lesbians and Gays of African Descent United and a columnist for local gay and lesbian publications. Her play The Gathering was recently performed to great acclaim at the Lyceum Theater. SDGL Times 12/17/92 p.11 photo.
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San Diego radio station B100 issues a written apology in response to complaints by Queer Nation, ACT UP and NOW for the homophobic comments of morning program hosts Jeff and Jer. The hosts issue an on-air apology to the gay and lesbian community January 26. SDGL Times 1/2/93 p.9.
A new chapter of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) is formed in San Diego. The purposes of GLAAD is to monitor the news and entertainment media, report on their treatment of lesbian and gay people and issues--whether positive or negative--and take actions such as letter writing to media companies in order to engender positive portrayals of gays and lesbians in the
media. SDGL Times 1/14/93 p.9.
One of GLAAD's first acts is to target talk shows host Roger Hedgecock for his antigay rhetoric, including his statement that the only reason gays want to be in the military is "because that's where the boys are." SDGL Times 2/25/93 p.9 photo.
The San Diego Unified School District board f trustees votes 5-0 on January 12 to ban the Boy Scouts of America from running school programs during class time. Citing the school board's December 1992 anti-discrimination policy, Superintendent Tom Payzant stated, "Because the Boy Scouts have a policy forbidding homosexuals from serving as scout leaders, [they] are discriminating on the basis of sexual
orientation." SDGL Times 1/14/93 p.9. However, Payzant pulls back from plans to include information on lesbian and gay lifestyles in the curriculum. SDGL Times 2/25/93 p.9.
Queer Nation-San Diego activist B. Allan Ross begins a hunger strike January 12 against the Boy Scouts for discriminating against gay young men who want to be Scouts. SDGL Times 2/11/93 p.11. And the San Diego Regional Board of the Anti-Defamation league calls on the City Council to enforce the spirit of the Human Dignity Ordinance by revoking the subsidized use of public lands by organizations that discriminate based on sexual orientation. SDGL Times 2/25/93 p.14.
A memorial service for Allen Schindler, a Navy sailor aboard the U.S.S. Belleau Wood who was allegedly beaten to death by two fellow crewmen last October because he was gay, is held January 17. His mother, Dorothy Hajdys, attends the service. Over 150 attend the service. SDGL Times 1/14/93 p.9.
HEAL (Health, Empowerment and Advocacy for Lesbians), the first San Diego support network for lesbians living with physical illnesses and challenges, completes a 1992 survey of lesbian community. For the 210 respondents health insurance is the primary concern. Seven of ten have insurance but nearly 30% feel it is inadequate. Nearly 20% of those without insurance had been abandoned by their insurance companies as a result of illness or disability. Over one-third report they have lived with a chronic/life-threatening physical illness or disability. SDGL Times 1/14/93 p.14.
The San Diego Chapter of Black and White Men Together/People of All Colors Together presents its second annual Martin Luther King Jr. award to Emilio Velasquez of Tijuana for his work over the past 10 years helping Latino gay men and lesbians on both sides of the border. SDGL Times 1/21/93 p.15 photo.
City Councilmember John Hartley drops his bid for re-election, opening the door for community activist Chris Kehoe to run for office. Hartley was instrumental in passage of the Human Dignity Ordinance, in getting funding for the new Lesbian and Gay Men's Community Center, and in keeping the Boy Scout issue before the public. SDGL Times 2/4/93 p.11 photo and 2/18/93 p.9 photo.
Over 200 people attend the first annual Adams Avenue Womenfest February 11 organized by Paradigm Women's Bookstore and the Adams Avenue Business Association. Gloria Steinem and Midge Constanza speak at the event. Two weeks later at Paradigm lesbian activists Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon introduce the 20th anniversary edition of their Lesbian/Woman. SDGL Times 2/18/93 p.10 and 3/4/93 p.36 photo.
The SDSU Gay and Lesbian Student Union changes its name to the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Union to reflect its "openness toward members of the bisexual community and our acceptance of the diversity without our community." SDGL Times 2/25/93 p.15.
Sixth District Councilmember Valerie Stallings announces the promotion of her Council representative Stan Lewis to the post of chief of staff. Lewis is now the highest-ranking openly gay staff person in San Diego city government and the first to hold the position of chief of staff. He has been a member of Stallings' staff since she first took office in January 1992. SDGL Times 3/4/93 p.20 photo.
Openly gay candidate Patrique Lindahl comes in second in his bid for presidency of SDSU Associated Students. He is subsequently appointed by newly elected president, Amy Gilbertson, to the position of Liaison for Student Concerns. He is also awarded the Shuford C. Swift Award at the annual SDSU Awards Ceremony, given each year to an individual who exhibits outstanding leadership qualities. SDGL Times 4/1/93 photo; SDGL Times 5/13/93 p.10.
Openly gay candidate for 3rd District City Council Chris Kehoe officially launches her campaign April 10 in Trolley Barn Park in University Heights. She is endorsed by retiring Councilmember John Hartley in whose office Kehoe worked for over two years. SDGL Times 4/15/93 p.9 photo.
The Lesbian and Gay Men's Community Center turns 20 and holds celebratory events throughout the year. Leaders who are acknowledged for their work in building the Center include Jess Jessop, Cynthia Lawrence-Wallace, Peggy Heathers, George Murphy, Jeri Dilno, Fred Scholl, Gary Rees, Bridget Wilson, Scott Fulkerson and Karen Marshall. SDGL Times 4/15/93 p.30 photos.
4th District City Councilmember George Stevens comes under fire for allegedly making homophobic remarks. Charges are made by Donald Peter Ray who says he visited Stevens' office to hand-deliver a letter to staff member Luis Navidad, who is alleged to have said, "We don't speak to faggots here." Stevens is said to have followed the remark with, "All gays and lesbians should be put in a gas chamber." Stevens claims the allegations are "lies." SDGL Times 4/22/93 p.9 photo.
1,000 San Diego gay men and lesbians attend the March on Washington April 26. Local gay activist Nicole Ramirez-Murray is a member of the National March executive board and an emcee at the rally. Jim Cua is chair of the San Diego March Committee. The San Diego contingent is joined in the March by Congressman Bob Filner. SDGL Times 4/29/93 pp.9-10 photo.
Local author Wendy Caster publishes The Lesbian Sex Book, a sex positive "guide for the 90's." SDGL Times 5/13/93 p.8 photo.
Pat Burke, editor of the Update, dies at the VA Hospital of complications from HIV. He has been editor of Update since 1979. SDGL Times 5/20/93 pp.9,11 photo; Update 5/19/93 A-1,A-6 photos.
The Citizens Patrol, founded as a result of the murder of John Wear in Hillcrest, officially opens its new storefront office at 1010 University Avenue. SDGL Times 5/20/93 pp.9,14.
Stepping Stone purchases a residential recovery home on Central Avenue in Hillcrest. The facility is one of only five residential recovery homes in the country devoted to the rehabilitation of alcohol and drug users primarily from the gay and lesbian community. SDGL Times 5/20/93 p.15 photo.
The first Human Rights Campaign dinner honors former mayor Maureen O'Connor and retiring Chief of Police Bob Burgreen for their contributions to the gay and lesbian community. New Police Chief Jerry Sanders makes his first appearance at a gay event by attending the dinner. Update 5/26/93 A-1,A-10 photo.
San Diegans join veterans and active military enlistees from around the county in urging President Clinton to lift the ban against gays/lesbians in the military. The MCC and the San Diego Veterans Association both sponsor postcard-writing campaigns and community activist Herb King participates in the cross-country Campaign for Military Service bus tour. SDGL Times 5/26/93 p.15.
Collections from the San Diego Lesbian and Gay Historical Society are on display at the Public Library downtown. This is the first time its collections-- international timeline, Pride memorabilia, examples of local gay authors and publishers, examples of homophobia--have been open to the community at large. SDGL Times 6/3/93 p.16.
Randy Shilts' comprehensive study, Conduct Unbecoming: Gays and Lesbians in the U.S. Military, is published. In its 800 pages it tells the stories of gays in the military including San Diego's Jess Jessop, founder of the Center and the Historical Society. SDGL Times 6//10/93 p.44 photo.
The organizational meeting of the local Stonewall 25 commemoration effort erupts into a shouting and shoving match as members of ACT/UP protest the involvement of national co-chair Nicole Ramirez-Murray. The meeting is moved from the Center to a residence in North Park where an interim committee is selected. Bravo! 6/17/93 pp.1,7; SDGL Times 6/17/93 pp.9,14,16 photo.
Tony Zampella, Log Cabin Club president and publisher of Bravo!, is approved by the City Council as the lesbian and gay community's new commissioner on the Human Relations Commission. LCBT community members at the meeting oppose his confirmation noting his published articles against gay rights. Update 6/23/93 A-5,A- 6 photo; SDGL Times 6/17/93 pp.9,18.
Doug Case and Charles McKain of the San Diego Democratic Club confront Vice President Al Gore, who is visiting San Diego for a meeting with the National Performance Review Commission. In front of media Case reminds Gore of Clinton's broken promise to end the ban on homosexuals in the military and labels the Administration's policy "don't ask/don't tell" an affront to gay and lesbian Americans. Bravo! 7/17/93 p.1 photo; SDGL Times 7/1/93 p.16 photo.
The U.S. Postal Service approves a special cancellation for mail to commemorate San Diego Pride Weekend, July 17-18, 1993. This is only the fifth time in history and the first time on the west coast that the Postal Service has approved a special cancellation. SDGL Times p.17.
One hundred demonstrators march in Balboa Park on July 4th to protest the ban on gays in the military. All branches of the military are represented. Some march in uniform; some wear paper bags over their heads to conceal their identities. The demonstrators are met by an anti-war end-the-military counter demonstration by Queer Nation and Act-Up. SDGL Times 7/8/93 pp.11-12 photo; Update 7/7/93 A-1.
A new chapter of Lesbian Avengers opens in San Diego. Its first action is a kiss-in in front of the main gate to the Naval Base at 32nd and Harbor Drive. SDGL Times 7/22/93 p.12.
Volunteers begin walking precincts in the Third District for Councilmember
candidate Christine Kehoe, the first openly lesbian candidate for City Council.
Kehoe hopes to replace retiring Councilmember John Hartley, who is helping to train Kehoe's volunteers. SDGL Times 7/15/93.
Record crowds watch the Pride Parade and attend the Pride Festival. The parade draws 40,000 spectators and the festival 15,000, doubling attendance figures for previous years. SDGL Times 8/12/93 p.16.
Naval Criminal Intelligence Services begin an investigation of reports that 500 Marines from Camp Pendleton have participated in gay pornography. The allegations stem from the arrest of a gay porn producer on unrelated charges. Community activists charge that the sensational reporting in the press and on television has been caused by Nicole Ramirez-Murray who leaked the story to local media. SDGL Times 8/26/93 pp.12,23; Bravo! 8/26/93 p. 1.
Paul Isner becomes the first openly gay person to be awarded America's Finest Citizen Award presented by Al Best, the first openly gay person chosen to present the award. Isner is honored for volunteer work in the San Diego and Tijuana AIDS community. SDGL Times 8.26/93 p.14.
Patrique O. Lindahl is the first openly gay student elected official at SDSU selected to serve on the Student Advisory Committee on International Education for the California State University system. SDGL Times 9/2/93 p.10.
The Diversionary Theatre, which stages lesbian and gay plays, acquires a new permanent space at 4545 Park Boulevard in University Heights. This move gives it a permanent stage and comfortable seating and allows it to experiment and grow. SDGL Times 9/9/93 p.14.
The Alano Club, also known as Live And Let Live, which does special outreach to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, moves to its new home on Monroe Avenue in University Heights. Update 9/22/93 A-1,A-11.
Christine Kehoe wins the primary race for City Council by beating nine other candidates. This victory is a major step toward becoming the first openly gay San Diego elected official. She will face runner-up Evonne Schultz in the election November 2nd. SDGL Times 9/23/93 p.9 photo.
Seventy lesbian and gay couples are joined in a Celebration of Commitment ceremony in Balboa Park on October 11, National Coming Out Day. The ceremony is organized by the Lambda Associates for Social and Service Outreach and The Equal Marriage Rights Fund. The non-sectarian service is conducted by the MCC. Update 10/6/93 A-8,A-9; SDGL Times 10/14/93 p.14 photo.
GLAAD demonstrates outside the offices of KSDO radio on Murphy Canyon Road to protest the on-air anti-gay remarks of talk show host Roger Hedgecock. The protest comes after months of negotiations with the station's management and after the station refused to curb Hedgecock's offensive remarks about gays and women. Update 10/6/93 A-1,A-6 photo; Bravo! 9/24/93 pp.1,7 photo.
Dan O'Shea, a founding member of Being Alive, is fired as Executive Director. His firing is one of several that affects staff and sets off heated protests that rock the agency throughout the last months of 1993. Update 10/20/93 A-10.
The Lesbian and Gay Center celebrates its 20th year of existence with its annual Gala at the Hyatt Regency in downtown San Diego. The Center started from one telephone line in founder Jess Jessop's home and has grown into a full social service facility on Normal Street in Hillcrest. Update 10/27/93 A-1 photo; Bravo! 10/7/93 p.5.
Christine Kehoe wins the Third District City Council election and becomes the first openly gay elected official in San Diego. SDGL Times 11/4/93 pp.9,16 photo; Bravo! 11/4/93 pp.1,17 photo.
Albert Bell, 43, dies from AIDS complications. In 1970 Bell was a founding member of the first Gay Liberation group in San Diego. He was an early director of the LGBT Center and also served on the Center's Board of Directors. He established Our House, the first AIDS residential facility in San Diego, and Blood Sisters, a group for lesbians to donate blood to the Blood Bank. SDGG Times 12/2/93 pp.9,10; Update 12/8/93 A-1.
Bravo! a conservative gay newspaper, founded and published by Tony Zampella, ceases publication after seven years of operation. Zampella cites financial problems as the reason for its demise. SDGL Times 12/9/93 p.11.
Scott Fulkerson resigns after six years as Executive Director of the LGBT Center when asked by the Board of Directors because of differences on how to handle the Center's deficit. Fulkerson oversaw the move of the Center from its site at Fifth and Robinson to its own building on Normal Street in Hillcrest and the growth of the Center to become the second largest AIDS agency in the county after the close of
the AIDS Foundation. Karen Marshall, Associate Executive Director, replaces Fulkerson. SDGL Times 12/9/93 pp.11,19; Update 12/8/93 A-1.
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All Saints Episcopal Church at Sixth and Pennsylvania in Hillcrest fires organist and choir master Katherine Kamarath because of rumors that she is in a lesbian relationship with her roommate and fellow choir member Karen Parker. Neither Parker, the mother of four, nor Kamarath are lesbians. Update 1/5/94 A-1 A-12 photo.
The AIDS Memorial Task Force, a group of community activists planning to build a permanent AIDS memorial in Balboa park, runs into problems when the proposed design, a concrete walkway lined with live trees symbolizing those who have died, causes controversy because of the high cost--more than $300,000. Some community members object to spending money on memorials instead of direct services to those who are still alive. SDGL Times 1/6/94 pp.11-12 photo.
Two local marines are dishonorably discharged for posing in explicit gay pornography. Six other marines are awaiting disciplinary action. The police had originally been searching for pornography depicting minors but turned the films over to the Marine Corps when it appeared that some of the actors were marines. SDGL Times 1/6/94 p.13.
Federal Court in San Francisco approves a settlement for San Diegan Frank Buttino, a 20 veteran of the FBI discharged in 1989 for being gay. The FBI agrees to pay legal fees and to allow Buttino to collect his pension. In addition the FBI agrees to cease discrimination based on sexual orientation. SDGL Times 1/13/94 p.17.
In tribute to Albert Bell, community members carry his ashes from David's Place on Fifth Avenue in Hillcrest to the First Unitarian Church. Speakers at Bell's memorial service include Harry Hay, founder of the Mattachine Society, and Valerie Stallings, city council member. Update l/19/94 A-1 A-6 photo.
Act-Up's underground needle exchange program, an outreach to at-risk drug addicts, is busted by city police and the program's leader, Michael Stepler, is arrested for possession of a hypodermic needle and syringe without a prescription. This is the first arrest in the two years the program has existed. Arresting officers say that they had been directed by the city to "enforce the law." Update 1/23/94 A-
1 A-4 photo; SDGL Times 2/24/94 p.15.
Mayor Susan Golding appoints a gay and lesbian advisory board to help keep her apprised of issues of concern to the GLBT community. The board includes community activists Garrett Dettling, Leslie Horn, Nicole Ramirez-Murray, Lori Sands, Kevin Woods, and Tony Zampella. SDGL Times 3/17/94 p.15 photo.
The San Diego Blood Bank refuses to publicize or promote an event encouraging lesbians to donate blood because its name, The San Diego Lesbian Community Blood Drive, includes the word lesbian. The event is meant to reproduce the success of the Blood Sisters drive in 1992. Update 3/9/94 A-1 A-10 photo. The organizers, Ann Garwood and Cathy Paddock, file a complaint with the San Diego Human Relations Commission. Update 3/23/94 A-8.
The lawsuit filed against the Boy Scouts by gay El Cajon police officer Chuck Merino goes to trial. Merino had helped organize the Citizens Patrol in Hillcrest in 1991, and his remarks at the first meeting led local Boy Scout representatives to believe he is gay. The Scouts then terminated him as a leader of an Explorer Program that he had headed for five years. Update 2/23/94 A-1 A-11. See also Update 4/6/94 A-1 and Update 4/13/94 A-1.
Roger Hedgecock, local radio talk show host and former mayor, promotes a "normal people's" contingent for the annual Gay Pride Parade and threatens legal action to force the issue. Hedgecock, spurred on by some of his radio call-ins, contends the contingent will do to the Pride Parade in San Diego what Boston gays did to the St. Patrick's Day parade in that city. Pride officials, however, point out that they have always denied entrance to groups not supporting the principles expressed in Gay/Lesbian pride. SDGL Times 3/24/94 pp.15,28 photo; Update 6/22/94 A-1,A-5 and 6/29/94 p.A-1 see also SDGL Times 6/30/94 pp.15,16 and 7/7/94 p.15 and 7/14/94 p.31.
The Ocean Beach People's Food Co-op removes the LN magazine (Lesbian News) from its store because it "might offend families and children." The distributors, Pam Gusha and Diane Germain, protest its removal to the Board of Directors and file a complaint with the San Diego Human Relations Commission citing homophobia. Update 3/30/94 A-6 photo; SDGL Times 3/31/94 pp.15,30 photo. Later the Board of the Co-op reaffirms its free press policy by a unanimous vote. Update 4/27/94 A-6.
Vista School Board adopts a controversial sex education program Sex Respect that does not permit mention or discussion of homosexuality. Teachers are permitted to correct any misstatements made by students about homosexuality but may not go into detail without written permission from parents. SDGL Times 5/12/94 p.15.
SDSU president Thomas Day is accused by colleagues of gay bashing when he rejects the Academic Senate's resolution supporting domestic partner benefits for faculty and employees and distributes a memo with sentences that label homosexuality "unnatural" and equate it with "adultery and permissive abortions." In a straw poll, 3/4 of the faculty responding vote for his retirement "for the good of
the university." Ironically, SDSU spokesperson Rick Ford, a member of the gay community, defends Day. Update 5/18/94 A-1,13; SDGL Times 5/15/94 p.17.
San Diego City Council declares May 6-16 LIFE AIDS Lobby Days in a resolution presented to Doug Case of the LGBT Center by Councilmember Chris Kehoe. The resolution is signed by all council members except George Stevens who refuses to sign because the resolution speaks of diversity but mentions only gays and lesbians. Update 5/18/94 A-12.
Timothy Grummon, 42, local artist, dies of AIDS-related pneumonia. His work Panels of Love, a series of eleven panels in the shape of a cross, has been displayed in many local churches and in Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. SDGL Times 5/25/94 p.15 photo.
Voice magazine, a local bi-weekly for gays and lesbians, halts publication. The publisher, David Dartt, cites economic problems as the reason. The magazine has been published since June 1992. Update 6/1/94 A-1; SDGL Times 6/9/94 p.17.
Television station K63-EN, known as BAY 63TV, announces a gay-oriented live telephone talk show called Lip Service. Station representatives say that the show is an attempt to focus on one of the undeserved communities in San Diego and to let the "gay community talk among themselves and to San Diego in general." Update 6/1/94 A-13; see also 6/15/94 A-1.
The city of San Diego extends domestic partner benefits to all city employees. Initially the coverage was opposed by Mayor Susan Golding and Councilmember George Stevens, but Councilmember Christine Kehoe was able to get enough support from other councilmembers to gain approval of the benefits coverage. SDGL Times 6/2/94 pp.15,16; see also 6/9/94 pp.15,16,17.
A teacher at Oak Park Elementary School is given a written reprimand for letting her gay son speak to her second grade class. She had invited her son the day after the class had reacted negatively to a student who told classmates that his family cares for a gay man who has AIDS. Later another teacher at Oak Park is reprimanded and then transferred after she explained to her class that gay students do not deserve to be the victims of physical violence. SDGL Times 6/23/94 p.12 and 7/21/94 pp.16,17.
Pride Pioneers, a group of gays and lesbians who marched in San Diego's first Pride Parade in 1974, celebrate 20 years of Pride by marching as a group in the 1994 Pride Parade. SDGL Times 7/7/94 pp.36,37,47 photo. The parade draws 60,000 spectators while only 200 show up for the Normal People's rally held at the same time. SDGL Times 7/21/94 p.15 photo.
A Superior Court judge rules that the Boy Scouts committed "arbitrary discrimination" and "wrongfully dismissed" gay Boy Scout leader Chuck Merino. The judge orders the Scouts to pay Merino's legal fees and awards him $5,000 but does not order reinstatement. The Scouts call the ruling a partial victory. Update 7/13/94 A-10; SDGL Times 7/14/94 pp.25,26 photo. SDGL Times 8/1/94 p.17.
The first Dyke March in San Diego is held as the kick-off event of Pride Week. The march in Hillcrest of more than 500 lesbians also marks the founding of the SD chapter of Lesbian Avengers, a direct action group using grass roots tactics to create lesbian visibility. Update 7/13/94 A-10,A-12 photo; SDGL Times 7/14/94 p.31.
The first Tom Homann Award presented by the ACLU in memory of Homann's work for protection of human rights is presented to San Diegan Frank Buttino, gay former FBI agent. SDGL Times 7/21/94 p.14.
The San Diego Zoo refunds admissions and gives free passes to 80 patrons who say they are offended by some of the 2000 homosexuals who hold hands or kiss while attending the Pride Party at the Zoo. Zoo officials say it is the best way to handle complaints and "get them out of our hair." SDGL Times 7/21/94 pp.15,16.
The San Diego chapter of GLAAD pickets the meeting of KSDO radio officials and advertisers at the Catamaran Hotel to protest the homophobic statements of KSDO talk show host Roger Hedgecock. Update 7/27/94 A-l photo; SDGL Times 7/28/94 p.17. Later KSDO runs a two-and-a-half hour talk show hosted by GLAAD to answer questions about the gay and lesbian community. Community spokespeople include Dennis Lucarelli, Sharon Parker, Karen Marshall, Diane Warner and Bill Donnelly. Update 8/10/94 Al,A2.
The San Diego City Council rejects the proposed AIDS memorial garden in Balboa Park. Surprisingly the vote against the memorial is led by gay councilperson Chris Kehoe. The project, controversial because of its large size and high cost, is disapproved because it may draw community money that might otherwise go to AIDS agencies. SDGL Times 8/4/94 p.15.
Federal Court in San Diego rules that the armed forces cannot discharge gays and lesbians solely on their statement that they are gay. According to the court only a statement that shows a "concrete, fixed or expressed desire to engage in homosexual acts despite their being prohibited" justifies discharge. Update 9/7/94 A-1.
Gay off-duty peace officers begin work at Holiday Health Spa in Mission Valley to stop the on-going sexual activity in the men�s shower and steam rooms. This work is seen as a positive attempt of the community to police itself. The officers advise club members that sexual activity may lead to loss of membership and suggest that they take their activity to a gay bathhouse or a private residence. Update 10/594 A-8.
The race for 4th District Supervisor presents an unusual choice to San Diego gay voters. Both candidates, Peter Navarro and Ron Roberts, are seen by the community as gay friendly and both actively court the gay vote. Roberts, however, is endorsed by both the San Diego Democratic Club and The San Diego Log Cabin Club. Update 11/9/94 A-1.
Bonnie Dumanis is elected Municipal Court Judge and becomes the second openly gay elected official in San Diego. SDGL Times 11/10/94 pp.36,37 photos.
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A gay and lesbian studies conference is held at UCSD entitled "Gay/Lesbian/Queer: Knowledge and Identities for the 90's." The conference debates the intellectual direction of the scholarly field of gay, lesbian and queer studies. SDGL Times 1/12/95 p.14 photo.
Hillcrest's three months of violent crimes--shooting, stabbing, robberies--appear to have been ended by the San Diego Police Department and the Hillcrest basedCitizens Patrol with multiple arrests of youths in their mid-teens to mid twenties who preyed on lone individuals leaving gay businesses. The wave of violence is reminiscent of a similar six-month episode in 1991 that ended in the stabbing death of 17 year old John Wear, who was killed while walking to a coffee house with friends, and gave impetus for the founding of the Citizens Patrol in a storefront at the Uptown Center. Update 1/18/95 A-6 A-7.
The formal induction ceremony is held in San Diego City Council Chambers for Bonnie Dumanis, the first openly lesbian elected judge in San Diego Municipal Court. Update 1/25/95 A-9 photo.
Superior Court Judge Judith McConnell requests that her nomination for U.S. District Court be withdrawn after it becomes evident that the Republican majority in Congress will not support her nomination because earlier she granted custody of a 16 year old boy to his father's gay lover after the father's death. The boy had requested to stay with his father's lover and in the house he was accustomed to rather than be placed with his mother. SDGL Times 1/26/95 p.7 photo.
The weekly newspaper The Reader decides not to allow gays and lesbians to advertise in its classified personals section because of the Roman Catholic beliefs of its owner Jim Holman who says, "It was my decision not to be an agent for immoral behavior." In contrast the Union-Tribune allows such advertisements but bans the words gay and lesbian and places the ads under the heading "Seeking
Just A Friend." SDGL Times 2/2/95 p.15.
Both the Reader and the Union-Tribune refuse to print ads for the movie Erotique that show two women almost kissing. The Union-Tribune eventually prints an altered ad, but the Reader refuses to advertise the movie at all. The Union-Tribune calls the original ad "too explicit." The Reader says it "doesn't want to encourage gay relationships." SDGL Times 3/2/95 p.11.
Community members march to protest the reversal of the conviction in the murder trial for the stabbing death of the high school student John Wear in 1991 by a man who assumed him to be gay. The sentence was reversed on a technicality. The murder was the catalyst for the creation of the Hillcrest and North park Citizen Patrols. SDGL Times 3/2/95 p.11; 3/9/95 p.35. The second trial ends in a guilty verdict. Update 4/17/96 A-1 A-11.
Qualcomm, San Diego-based digital wireless technology company, bans discrimination in its workplace based on sexual orientation. President Harvey White says, "Our respect and value for organizational diversity . . . emphasizes bringing people into the company who represent various backgrounds, beliefs, values, perspectives, communities and cultures." SDGL Times 3/16/95 p.7.
Ace Hardware opens on University Avenue. in Hillcrest joining other gay-owned and gay-oriented businesses in an area that has come to be known as the Rainbow Block. Owner Bruce Reeves says his business is the first openly gay Ace subsidiary. SDGL Times 4/6/95 p.17 photo.
La Jolla's Hyatt Regency Hotel publishes an advertisement aimed at the gay community by showing two tanned male models smiling at each other. The hotel places the ad in Out magazine and uses it in direct mail advertising. The ad "ruffles feathers" at Hyatt headquarters, but other California Hyatts consider using a similar advertisement strategy. SDGL Times 4/20/95 p.15.
Greg Louganis, four-time Olympic gold medallist for diving, comes to San Diego to sign copies of his autobiography, Breaking The Surface. Louganis grew up in El Cajon and is scheduled to be the grand marshal of this year's Pride Parade. Update 4/26/95 A-5,A-6 photo; SDGL Times 4/27/95 p.15 photo.
Sea World hosts a Gay Night at Sea World sponsored by the MCC. Hundreds attend the event despite some bad weather. SDGL Times 5/11/95.
Local gay rights activists picket before an appearance by north county congressman Duke Cunningham who, on the floor of the Congress during a debate over the clean water act, remarked that those who opposed the amendment are the "same ones who would put homos in the military." Another San Diego congressman, Duncan Hunter supports Cunningham while Brian Bilbray says Cunningham "crossed the line." Earlier in a campaign appearance Cunningham said that homosexuals should be banned from the military and from religious services and schools. SDGL Times 5/18/95 pp.15,16 photo.
David Farrell, senior pastor of San Diego's MCC, retires after twenty years of work at MCC and leadership in various community activities. Update 5/31/95 A-10 photo. Tijuana holds its first gay pride parade on June 15. Eighty-five gays and lesbians march, some of them San Diegans who crossed the border to lend support. The parade comes off without any problems; however, the gay bars and discos of
Tijuana, fearing repercussions from city officials, boycott the parade. Update 6/21/95 A-1 photo; SDGL Times 6/15/95 p.15 and 6/22/95 p.15 photo.
City councilperson Chris Kehoe is among the 45 openly gay and lesbian elected officials invited to meet with officials of the Clinton Administration, the first time openly gay and lesbian elected officials have been invited to the White House. Reactions after the meeting are mixed, but all attending are offended that some officials welcoming the group put on gloves before shaking hands from a misguided
fear of AIDS. SDGL Times 6/15/95 p.15 and 6/22/95 photos. See also Update 5/31/95 A-4.
Gary Cheatham, founder of Auntie Helen's Fluff and Fold laundry service for AIDS patients, dies of AIDS. Cheatham began the service in his own garage but quickly outgrew it and eventually moved to Auntie Helen's present site on 30th Street in North Park. Auntie Helen's currently does 1500 loads of laundry a month for 200 clients and furnishes clothing and medical equipment for another 600 clients. Update 7/5/95 A-1,A-7 photo.
The "Normal People" drops its lawsuit to be included in the Pride Parade after losing in court. The Lambda Legal Defense Fund and the American Civil Liberties Union helped Pride win the victory. SDGL Times 7/13/95 p.31; Update 7/19/95 A-1,A-6.
Over 80,000 people watch San Diego's 21st Pride Parade. Two thousand attend the Spirit of Pride Rally, 600 march in the Dyke March, and 7000 attend the various official parties at the zoo and the U.S. Grant Hotel. Update 7/12/95 A-9 photo and 7/19/95 A-1,A-6 photos.
The Imperial Coronation XXIV de San Diego takes place at the Hanalei Hotel in Mission Valley attended by Empress I Jose who founded the court system 30 years ago in San Francisco. The coronation is highlighted by the crowning of Tony Puente as emperor, the first time a lesbian is crowned as monarch of the Court system, and of Tom Maya as empress. Both monarchs are Hispanic. Update 8/9/95 A-1,A-10 photo.
San Diego Police begin enforcing the closure of the "bushes" area of Blacks Beach, the popular nude beach in La Jolla. Police claim that signs are posted to close the area to protect vegetation though no actual signs are found by gays using the beach throughout the summer. Matt Weathersby, police/gay liaison says that the city's position is that there is no nude beach in San Diego. Further, he says, men who cruise the bushes looking for sex are breaking the law by having sex in public. SDGL Times 8/31/95 p.15.
Bruce Kamerling, president of the Lesbian and Gay Historical Society of San Diego, dies of AIDS complications. SDGL Times 10/19/95 p.26.
The local Arthur Murray Dance Studio honors a gift certificate for dance lessons for two gay men but refuses to allow them to dance together. The owner/manager says, "It's just not moral . . . Hell, send me 500 homosexuals. I'll teach them but I won't let them dance together in the group." Several other dance studios in San Diego have the same policy. The City Attorney's Office says the policy may violate
the city's Human Dignity Ordinance. Update 11/1/95 A-1,A-10
Mayor Susan Golding reaffirms her opposition to same-sex marriage and domestic partnership. Golding tells the gay business group, the Greater San Diego Business Association, that gays may engage in a "marriage" if they like but she opposes official, legal marriages. Domestic partnerships, she further contends, place on businesses new requirements that she opposes. SDGL Times 11/2/95 pp.16,23.
Jim Thompson, founder of Being Alive San Diego, dies of AIDS complications. Update 11/8/95 A-1,A-5 photo.
Brian F. Michaels, founder of America's Finest City Freedom Band, dies of AIDS complications. SDGL Times 11/23/95 pp.13,14.
David Farrell, senior pastor of the MCC of San Diego, retires after serving 20 years. Testimonials at Farrell's retirement party are given by Congressman Bob Filner, Assemblymember Susan Davis, State Senator Lucy Killea, and Councilmember Chris Kehoe. Update 12/6/95 A7.
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Congressman Barney Frank, openly gay member of the House of Representatives, makes an appearance in San Diego to support the reelection of Bob Filner, gay friendly congressman from San Diego. Update 1/3/96 A-6 photo and 1/21/96 A-1 photo.
Gay youth from San Diego, among them Russell Roybal, Norris Nagaou and Alex Garner, attend the first-ever Queer Youth Lobby in Sacramento to lobby the state legislature for Assembly Bill 1001, which adds sexual orientation to the existing nondiscrimination policy of the California Education Code. SDGL Times 1/11/96 p.11 photos.
The first openly gay candidate for mayor of San Diego, Pat Coleman, announces that he is running for office. Coleman has the endorsement of the County Democratic Party but, ironically, not of the Democratic Club, a predominately gay and lesbian political club. Update 2/7/96 A-l,A-11 photo.
The West Coast Production Company, which was the dance club for many gays and lesbians in the 1980's, closes. The original WCPC opened in 1977 in an old building on Hancock Street a few blocks from the location of the Ball Express, the first disco dance club in San Diego. The owners say economics are the reason. Many community members see it as the end of a era. SDGL Times 2/1/96 p.10.
Keith Meinhold, the first gay member of the armed forces to be returned to service by Federal Court order after being discharged for being gay, announces his retirement from the Navy. Meinhold spent much of his career in San Diego and Coronado. SDGL Times 3/21/96 pp.46,47 photo; Update 5/1/96 A-1,A-10 photo.
Christine Kehoe wins a second term on the City Council with 79 percent of the vote in the Third District. In the U.S. Congressional race, gay friendly Bob Filner wins in the 50th Congressional District, but anti-gay Randy "Duke" Cunningham wins in the 51st. SDGL Times 3/28/96 p.12 photo; Update 3/6/96 A-8,A-9 photo.
Robert Joseph, 45, artistic director of the Diversionary Theater, dies of cancer. Joseph helped move the theater from Golden Hill to its present site in University Heights. His play, Our Gay Apparel, is a perennial Christmas time hit at the Diversionary. SDGL Times 3/28/96 pp.22,23 photo; Update 3/27/96 A-5 photo.
Gay and Lesbian Times headlines a "unique dynamic" in San Diego-- most gay, lesbian and AIDS organizations in town are headed by women: the Center, Karen Marshall; AIDS Walk, Barbara Blake; Pride, Brenda Schumacher; AIDS Foundation, Carol Nottley; Democratic Club, Paula Rosenstein; Historical Society, Sharon Parker; Diversionary Theatre, Gayle Feldman; Mama's Kitchen, Carolyn MacFarlane; Imperial Court, Toni Puente; Special Delivery, Ruth Hendricks. SDGL Times 3/28/96.
VOICES '96, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Voices Organized in Coalition for the 1996 presidential election, begins meeting to prepare to present GLBT issues at the Republican National Convention to be held in San Diego in August 1996. Voices '96 is headed by founders Brenda Schumacher and Tony Valenzuela. SDGL Times 4/18/96 p.10 photos, 6/13/96 p.12 and 6/20/96 p.10; Update 1/24/96 A-10,
4/10/96 A-1 A-7 A-9. Voices '96 receives an award of $4000 from the San Diego Foundation for Change to help start its campaign. Update 4/20/96 A--1 A-2 photo.
The Pennysaver refuses to run an ad including the word lesbian but then does run the ad after many calls from community residents to the publication's president. The ad was placed by a clinical psychologist working on her Ph.D. who wanted to connect lesbian mothers and their children for research. Update 5/15/96 A-10.
The Lesbian and Gay Center receives a $50,000 grant from United Way to fund a position of Clinical Director for LGBT Counseling. This is the first time a gay counseling program has been fully funded by United Way. SDGL Times 5/23/96 p.35.
The San Diego Democratic Club, a local lesbian and gay political organization, endorses gay friendly Peter Navarro (D) for the 49th Congressional District while the Human Rights Campaign Fund, the national gay political organization that lobbies Congress, endorses Brian Bilbray (R) who is seen locally as anti-gay because of his vote in favor of the ban on gays in the military and his anti-HIV votes. SDGL Times 5/30/96 pp.9,10 photo; Update 6/5/96 A-13.
Gay and Lesbian Families of America, an organization founded to give positive images of gays and lesbians during the Republican Convention, announces plans for 12 billboards and 17 bus shelter signs featuring gay and lesbian families to be placed throughout San Diego to be seen by conventioneers, tourists and residents. SDGL Times 6/6/96 photo.
Stepping Stone, San Diego-based recovery organization serving the gay and lesbian community, celebrates its 20th anniversary with a gala at the Marriott Hotel in downtown San Diego. SDGL Times 6/13/96 p.10; Update 5/17/96 A-1,A-10 photo.
The Imperial Court de San Diego celebrates its 25th anniversary with Coronation XXV. SDGL Times 7/18/96 pp.9,38,39 photo; Update 7/17/96 A-5 photo.
Gays and lesbians of VOICES '96 march, rally and protest at the Republican National Convention at the San Diego Convention Center. SDGL Times 8/8/96 p.10, 8/15/96 p.10, 10/3/96 p.10;Update 4/24/96 A1, 6/5/96 A7, 6/12/96 A-1, 6/19/96 A-9.
Club Montage, a new gay dance club, opens on Hancock Street at the site of the old West Coast Production Company. At the same time Rich's, the other gay dance club, celebrates is fifth year. SDGL Times 10/3/96 p.14 photo.
The first-ever national statistics on same-sex domestic violence are compiled and published. San Diego ranks third after New York and San Francisco in the number of domestic violence incidents reported. It is thought that same-sex domestic violence occurs in 25-30% of same-sex relationships. SDGL Times 10/24/96 p.29.
All World's Video, San Diego-based gay adult video producer, is the big winner at the Erotic Video Awards in Los Angeles winning eight awards, among them best video of the year, best director, best actor, best screenplay and best depiction of safer sex. SDGL Times 12/15/96 p.10.
The Lesbian and Gay Centers of San Diego and Long Beach share a fundraiser, The Challenge Ride, a 300 mile bicycle ride from San Diego to Long Beach and back. This is the first time two gay centers have combined forces to produce a fundraiser. The portion of the money raised by the ride for San Diego are for the Center's AIDS services. SDGL Times 12/26/96 p.10, 1/9/97 p.18.
The North County Gay and Lesbian Center opens in San Marcos. The new Center is a branch of the San Diego Lesbian and Gay Community Center. The North County Center is in the San Marcos Health Center building and, though much smaller than its San Diego cousin, offers all the services of The Center including counseling, support group meetings, drop-in center and social activities. Sheryl DaGang is
appointed the new coordinator. Update 11/20/96 A1,A11 photos, 1/22/97 A15 photo, 1/29/97 A1 photo; 4/17/96 A8; SDGL Times 1/16/97 p.10, 1/30/97 p.20 photos.
Qualcomm, the San Diego-based wireless communication company, extends same-sex domestic partner benefits to its employees. The company says that such benefits are part of Qualcomm's acceptance of its employees' diversity. Update 12/11/96 A-10 photo.
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Gay and lesbian bar employees join forces to raise money for Special Delivery, a meal delivery service for AIDS patients, by donating half their tips from one work shift. The event will become an annual event in San Diego. SDGL Times 1/2/97 p.18 photos.
The San Diego chapter of GLAAD, the gay and lesbian alliance against defamation, announces that it is being dissolved by the national organization as it reorganizes and centralizes its work. GLAAD serves as a national watchdog against homophobia in the media. Update 2/19/97 A-l,A-10 see also 1/29/97 A-1,A-11.
The board of the AIDS Foundation San Diego meets in emergency session and votes to close the Foundation and file Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The closure comes after an OAC audit finds $330,000 in undocumented funding. Ben Dillingham, the new board chair, says of the leadership of the Foundation: "What you have is gross stupidity and gross ineptitude." Some of the Foundation's programs are taken over by other agencies in San Diego. SDGL Times 3/1/97 special edition; Update 3/5/97. See also all editions of the SDGL Times and Update from 1/2/97 to 3/20/97.
The first-ever same-sex domestic violence case is held in San Diego Superior Court. The accused is defended by local gay attorney Timothy Less Davis and the victim by the City Attorney's office. The judge, Larry Stirling, is not known as a friend of the gay community. Update 3/26/97 A-5 see also 4/2/97 A-8.
The Dreamgirls Revue, a longtime drag show playing at the Brass Rail, is the cover story/feature of the Los Angeles Times Calendar Arts section. The show receives a rare rave review from Times critic Max Jacobson. SDGL Times 4/3/97 p.23 photo.
Marshall Applewhite leads 38 members of his cult to commit suicide in a rented house in Rancho Santa Fe. Applewhite is homosexual and spent years trying to hide "guilt and shame for being gay." The autopsy shows he and some of his followers were castrated "in an apparent effort to deny sexuality." Update 4/2/97 A-1.
Dignity San Diego, a local gay/lesbian Catholic organization, celebrates its 25th anniversary. Dignity started in San Diego and soon became nationwide. SDGL Times 4/24/97 p.9.
The police and the FBI begin looking for gay San Diegan Andrew Cunanan in connection with the murders of three men in Illinois and Minnesota. The men all had lived in San Diego, and two had had relationships with Cunanan. Several local gay men will "go in hiding" for fear of their lives, and the search will become a nationwide manhunt culminating in the murder of famous gay designer Gianni Versace, Cunanan's suicide and a number of best-selling books focusing on Cunanan's gay life in San Diego. SDGL Times 5/8/97 p.10 photo; Update 5/14/97 A- 1,A-10 photo. See also all Times and Updates for May and June 1997.
The California State Supreme Court rules that the Boy Scouts of America were within their rights to fire El Cajon police officer Chuck Merino because he is gay. In1994 a lower court had ruled against the Boy Scouts. Merino plans to appeal the decision. Update 5/28/97 A-1,A-12 photo; SDGL Times 5/29/97 p.10.
Mayor Susan Golding dissolves her Gay and Lesbian Advisory Council giving no reason for her actions and with no plans to appoint new members or form a new council. Update 6/4/97 A-1 photo.
Local activists begin a campaign to end Municipal Code Section 56.19, which prohibits cross-dressing in public. Trans Action, a local group of transgender and transvestites, is spearheading the drive with the support of the San Diego Human Relations Commission. Update 6/11/97 A-1,A-12.
The LGBT Center creates controversy as it accepts a $5000 donation from the Coors Brewing Company, which has been the subject of a national boycott by gays and lesbians because of its past practices of support for homophobic groups. Karen Marshall, executive director of the Center, explains that Coors has changed over the years and now has enlightened domestic partner benefits for its employees and nondiscrimination clauses in its employee manual. Update 7/2/97 A-5,A-9, 8/6/97 A-7
The SD Gay And Lesbian Times celebrates the publication of its 500th edition. SDGL Times 7/24/97 p.34.
San Diego Pride for the first time attracts more than 100,000 persons to watch the parade, which includes more than 150 marching units and makes the front page of the Union-Tribune. The rally the night before does draw protests for not including a bisexual speaker and for including a transgender speaker only after protest. Update 7/30/97 A-1 photo; SDGL Times 7/31/97 p.10 photo.
San Diego hosts 1700 gay and lesbian softball players for the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance Gay Softball World Series. Opening ceremonies are held at Balboa Park's organ pavilion and the championship games are played at Kit Carson Park in Escondido. SDGL Times 8/14/97 p.10 photo, 8/21/97 p.10 photo.
The FBI appoints an agent as liaison to the San Diego gay community. This is the first time in the FBI's history that the agency has established a liaison to any specific gay community. The appointment is thought to be the result of the Cunanan murder spree. Update 9/3/97 A-1,A-18.
The International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics (IGLA) holds its annual championship swim meet in San Diego. SDGL Times 10/16/97 pp.10,44,45 photos.
The University of California at San Diego hosts "Homosexuality and Public Life" conference at its Price Center featuring speakers Kerry Lobel, director of theNational Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Keith Meinhold, former Navy serviceman and activist, Chris Kehoe, city council member, and Sheila James Kuehl, California Assembly member. In a panel discussion local activist Tony Valenzuela ignites controversy by advocating unprotected sex to experience the "spiritual aspects of sexuality." His ideas come to be known as barebacking. Update 10/22/97 A-12 photo, 11/5/97 A4 photo; see also 12/3/97 A16, 12/10/97 A1,A18.
6 @ Penn, a new performance art space, opens at 6th and Pennsylvania in Hillcrest. The new theater plans to offer gay and lesbian performances that have played in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Update 10/29/97 A-1,A-11.
A District Attorney's report clears AIDS Foundation San Diego and its staff of criminal activity related to the closing of the Foundation in March. The report is critical of both the Foundation and the County Office of AIDS Coordination for the financial mismanagement that led to the closure. Update 11/12/97 A-1,A-4; see also SDGL Times 6/26/97 p.10.
San Diegan Tony Valenzuela is named by Out Magazine as one of the 100 most influential newsmakers in 1997. Valenzuela is an active spokesperson for Sex Panic, a national organization opposed to "sexual conservatism" brought on by reaction to the AIDS epidemic. Update 12/17/97 A-6 photo,12/14/97 A-1 photo.
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The San Diego Men�s Chorus makes history by being the first openly gay choral group to perform at the White House. Update 1/7/98 A-1 photo. Community activist Nicole Murray Ramirez becomes co-chair of the National Latino/a Lesbian and Gay Organization (LLEGO) the only national organization for
gay Latinos/as. SDGL Times 1/29/98 pp.14-15 photo.
Sergeant Natalie Stone of the San Diego Police Department is appointed liaison between the police department and the gay and lesbian community. Stone is the first openly lesbian officer to hold the position. Update 2/4/98 A-8 photo; SDGL Times 2/5/98 p.10 photo.
The local MCC hosts a blessing of relationships so that San Diego can participate in National Freedom to Marry Day, February 12th. The blessing is followed by a Hawaiian luau to acknowledge the first state to confront legally marriage rights litigation. Update 2/11/98 A-1.
Waterloo Station, a long-established gay bar in Hillcrest, closes business, a victim of the new California law banning smoking in bars. Waterloo Station had no patio or outside area where smoking could be permitted. Update 3/4/98 A-1 photo.
Dave's Recreation and Workout Center, popularly known as Dave's Bathhouse, closes in Ocean Beach after 39 years in business as a gay bathhouse. Rex Allen, who opened Dave's in 1959 with his partner, says the closure was caused by the building's current landlord who does not approve of such a business and gave notice to vacate. SDGL Times 3/12/98 p.12.
University of San Diego, the Catholic university in Linda Vista, publishes a new anti-harassment policy which includes harassment based on sexual orientation, but students in the school's Student Alliance Embracing Sexual Orientation (SAESO) point out that the school's official anti-discrimination policy still does not include sexual orientation. SDGL Times 5/28/98 p.10.
County Supervisor Diane Jacobs announces her opposition to domestic partner benefits. She says, "For us to establish benefits for domestic partners would undermine marriage." The Service Employees Union is seeking domestic partner benefits from the county. The city of San Diego already has domestic partner benefits. Update 4/22/98 A-1.
Agouron Pharmaceutical, Inc., a La Jolla based company, sets a biotechnology sales record of $308 million in sales of its HIV drug Viracept, a protease inhibitor. Update 4/22/98 A-5.
UCSD students protest to school officials the announcement of Newt Gingrich, a homophobic Republican congressman, as keynote speaker at graduation ceremonies. The protest is led by Katie Lane of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Student Union. SDGL Times 5/28/98 pp. 10,13
Councilmember Christine Kehoe announces she will run against incumbent Brian Bilbray to represent the 49th Congressional District. Kehoe is the first openly gay person to be nominated by a major party to run for federal office and the first to run from San Diego for Congress. SDGL Times 5/28/98 pp.35,36 photo; see also SDGL Times 6/4/98 p.10 photo.
Todd Stevens, local business and real estate attorney, is elected president of the San Diego County Bar Association. Stevens is the first openly gay attorney to be elected president of the Bar Association. SDGL Times 6/18/98 p.21; see also Update 12/9/98 pp.1,8 photo.
The state Court of Appeals in San Diego permits a lawsuit brought by Dan Kovitch against his former employer California Casualty Management Company to proceed. Kovitch had found working conditions intolerable because of anti-gay harassment in the office. His protests were ignored by California Casualty and the case was thrown out by the original trial court. Update 7/15/98 A-1.
Over 130 San Diego athletes compete in Gay Games V in Amsterdam, Netherlands, many of whom belong to San Diego's athletic umbrella organization AIM, Athletes in Motion. Update 7/15/98 A-5 photo.
San Diego's 1966 Crossdressing Law that made it illegal to dress in the clothing of the opposite sex is repealed. The council votes 7-1 for repeal. The one dissenter, George Stevens, says, "The issue to me is deception. It is a very dangerous thing to crossdress." Update 7/29/98 pp.1,7 see also 3/25/98 A-1,A-13.
The Union-Tribune rejects the advertisement for the movie Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss because the ad depicts two young men about to kiss. The ad has been run in many papers, including the New York Times, but the Union-Tribune says, "The ad does not fall within the company guidelines." SDGL Times 8/6/98 p.10; Update 8/12/98 pp.1,11 photo.
The City of San Diego notifies businesses in Hillcrest that flying the rainbow flag is a violation of a city ordinance aimed at reducing clutter in business areas and asks them to remove the flags. Only a few businesses comply. The notification is the result of a complaint by one unidentified citizen. Currently over 80 rainbow flags are flying in Hillcrest. SDGL Times 9/17/98 pp.12,15 photo.
Streets in Hillcrest are closed October 14th for a silent candle light march honoring Matthew Shepard, the 21 year old gay student brutally murdered in Laramie, Wyoming, whose death has triggered a national movement for hate crimes legislation. The marchers stop on University Avenue at the memorial to John Wear, the 17 year old who was killed by three men who called him faggot. Update 10/21/98 pp.1,9 photos; SDGL Times 10/22/98 pp.12,15 photos.
The Center purchases Craftsmen Hall at 3909 Centre Street. The former union hall is just one block from the Center's present site on Normal Street and will become the new Lesbian and Gay Center. Craftsman Hall, though an older building, is much larger than the Normal Street building and has more parking and frontage on University Ave. SDGL Times 10/22/98 p.20;Update 10/28/98 p.10.
Christine Kehoe loses her bid to be the first openly lesbian member of Congress when she loses to Brian Bilbray by fewer than 4000 votes in the 49th Congressional District. Update 11/4/98 pp. 1,5 photos; SDGL Times 11/5/98 p.12 photo see also 11/19/98 p.12 photo.
Charles Merino, El Cajon police office who was ousted from his leadership position in the Boy Scouts because he is gay, loses his appeal in the Supreme Court. The Boy Scout ban on gays has caused many challenges, but Merino's case is the first to reach the Supreme Court. SDGL Times 12/3/98 p.14.
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The Lesbian and Gay Center creates controversy when it accepts a $10,000 donation from the Coors Brewing Company of Colorado. Coors has been the target of a long-standing boycott by the gay community because of its anti-gay policies and its support of conservative groups. Update 1/6/99 p.7 photo.
The Center sells its building, buys an old union hall, Craftsmen Hall, and moves from Normal Street to its new location a block away at 3909 Centre Street. The new building gives the Center much more space, a much larger parking lot, and frontage on University Avenue. Update 1/13/99 p.7 photo.
For the first time San Diego hosts a national people of color organization, the annual "El Encuentro" of the National Latino/a Lesbian and Gay Organization (LLEGO). More than 1000 Latinos/as from the United States, Mexico and Puerto Rico attend. SDGL Times 2/4/99 pp.14,16 photo; see also Update 10/20/99 p.10 photo.
The Vulcan Steam and Sauna, one of the three gay bathhouses in San Diego and the oldest now that Dave's in Ocean Beach has closed, celebrates its 25th anniversary. Vulcan's owner, Frank Stiriti, is cited by local activists for his many financial contributions to the gay community and for his work for AIDS Awareness. SDGL Times 2/18/99 p.16 photo.
The MCC hosts the first Rainbow Summit, a day-long meeting of interested community members to set goals for the gay community as it approaches the 21st century. The event is organized by local activist Jess Durfee and features speakers Chris Kehoe and Nicole Murray-Ramirez. SDGL Times 2/25/99 p.16 photo; see also 3/4/99 p.17, 3/11/99 p.14 and Update 2/10/99 p.7.
Once again local activists protest the city's subsidy of the Boy Scouts of America. Despite the Scouts' open discrimination against gays and atheists, San Diego allows them to use city land in Balboa Park and Mission Bay rent free, a violation of the city's Human Dignity Ordinance because of legal issues, Chris Kehoe, lesbian councilperson representing Hillcrest, says that even though she does not approve of the Scouts' discriminatory nature they are still "entitled to a rent exemption." SDGL Times 3/4/99 pp.16,20; 3/18/99 p.15, 5/6/99 p.14.
The Update, one of San Diego's two gay newspapers, celebrates its 20th anniversary of publication. Update 3/24/99 p.7 photo.
SAGE, Seniors Active In A Gay Environment, opens a drop-in center on Fifth Avenue for seniors. The center is a few doors away from The Caliph and across the street from the Inn at the Park, two gay bars frequented by older community members. Update 3/31/99 p.7 photo.
Mama's Kitchen, a local meal-delivery service for AIDS patients, serves its one millionth meal. Mama�s Kitchen was founded by members of the gay community who volunteered at the old Food Bank, which later became part of the AIDS Foundation. SDGL Times 5/13/99 pp.14,15 photo.
The Center's Executive Director, Karen Marshall, resigns after 13 years. Marshall is largely responsible for the growth of the Center's programs and its recent move into new quarters on Centre Street. Update 6/2/99 p.1; SDGL Times 6/3/99
Mandy Schultz, the well-known director of the Pride, resigns to go into private business. Schultz gained national attention as a local spokesperson for television during the Andrew Cunanan manhunt. SDGL Times 6/10/99 pp.14,15 photo.
In the belief that gay men have created a nuisance on Blacks Beach, the city of San Diego decides to enforce a ban on nudity at the popular swimsuit optional beach north of La Jolla. The La Jolla Shores Association had written the city council complaining that there is "vulgar behavior" and "male exhibitionism" at the beach from a "troublesome population." SDGL Times 6/17/99 pp.23,24; Update 7/7/99 pp.1,8 photo see also 10/27/99 pp.1,8 photo.
The Lesbian and Gay Center moves from Normal Street into its new home one block away at 3909 Centre Street, a former union hall, Craftsman Hall, recently purchased by the Center. SDGL Times 7/1/99 pp.14,15 photo; Update 8/25/99 pp.1,14 photo.
Conservatives in the La Mesa/Spring Valley area begin a recall campaign of the Grossmont Union High School board president, Ted Crooks, in retaliation for the board's including sexual orientation in the school district's anti-discrimination policy. SDGL Times 7/8/99 p.14 photo; Update 8/18/99 pp.1,12 photo.
The Golden State Peace Officers Association of Southern California (GSPOA) holds in San Diego its annual International Conference of Gay and Lesbian Criminal Justice Professionals. The conference is for gay and lesbian and other police personnel interested in an inclusive work environment. Update 7/14/99 p.7.
The Lesbian and Gay Center suffers severe financial problems caused by the purchase of its new building, a temporary cash flow shortage, and low community donations. The Board announces that it is considering options such as joining services with another provider or closing the north county satellite. SDGL Times 7/22/99 pp.32,34 photo see also 7/29/99 pp.13,15,15 and 8/12/99 p.14.
A homophobic observer at the Pride Parade hurls a tear-gas canister at the Family Pride contingent in the parade and then escapes into the crowd. The tear gas causes severe reactions among many parade watchers who flee from the gas, but it only temporarily halts the parade. A $16,000 reward for identification of the assailant has been offered. SDGL Times 7/22/99 p.14 photo see also 8/5/99 pp.13,16, 8/19/99 pp.16,17, 9/16/99 p.23 and 5/13/00 pp.13,19; Update 7/28/99 p.1 photo see also
8/11/99 p.1 and 8/18/99 pp.1,12.
Art Thompson is hired as the Interim Executive Director of the LGBT Center. At the end of his one-year interim position, he will be hired as Executive Director. Update 8/14/99 pp.1,10; SDGL Times 8/5/99 p.14 photo.
Club Bombay on India Street in the Middletown area of San Diego, one of the two lesbian bars in San Diego, celebrates its 10th anniversary. SDGL Times 8/19/99 p.20 photo
San Diego County health officials record San Diego's 10,000th HIV/AIDS diagnosis. Update 9/8/99 p.9.
The Greater San Diego Business Association (GSDBA) celebrates its 20th anniversary. GSDBA is the largest minority chamber of commerce in the country. Update 9/15/99 p.8.
Suanne Pauley is named the new Director of Pride replacing Mandy Schultz. Update 10/27/99 p.9 photo.
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