The $3.2 million
Children's Museum Playground Park,
designed by Spurlock Poirier
Landscape Architects, is located on
a triangular, one-acre parcel along
the Martin Luther King Jr. Promenade
and in front of the New Children's
Museum. The park opened June 5,
It includes an "Art for Play" area
with poetry by San Diego author
Quincy Troupe, a sculpture by
Roberto Salas, a reading circle,
shade trellises, nearly seven dozen
trees and an extensive lawn area.
The park was paid for through the
Centre City Development Corp. and
The New Children's Museum. The
playground equipment was donated by
the Downtown Kiwanis Club.

Judy Leitner, the
Kiwanis Club president, presents a
$25,000 check to Rachel Teagle,
Director of the Children's Museum,
during the opening day ceremony.