Centre City
Development Corporation, Client. A key element in the redevelopment
of San Diego's downtown, Children's Park and Pond also expresses a
focal point in the linear promenade that borders the waterfront.
Complementing Horton Plaza, the Convention Center and the Children's
Museum, this new park reinforces the connection to downtown by
lining Front Street and First Avenue with rows of Italian cypress,
mounds of brilliantly colored ice plant, and a strong paving
pattern. In an attempt to reconcile the split desires of the client,
the landscape architect conceived the design as both a civic space
and a "green" rolling park. An outdoor space for the Children's
Museum, this project transforms the traditional elements of a park
-- turf, flowers, benches, shade, and water -- into whimsical
abstractions. The vast horizontal expanse of a two hundred-foot wide
pond is reinforced by a circle of tall Mexican fan palms. A fountain
animates the pool with a grid of Rainbird sprinkler heads. The
monumental pond also articulates the intersection of the park and
the linear Martin Luther King Jr. Promenade, as it is literally
traversed by the tracks of both light rail system and train.