- Klejment, Anne. Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker: a bibliography and index. New York, Garland, c.1986. xxvi, 412p.
Books authored by Dorothy Day
- From Union Square to Rome. New York, Arno Press, 1978 c.1938. x, 173p.
- House of Hospitality. New York, Sheed & Ward, c.1939. xxxvi, 275p.
- Loaves and Fishes. San Francisco, Harper & Row, 1983 c.1963. xiv, 215p.
- The Eleventh Virgin. New York, Albert & Charles Boni, c.1924. 312p.
- The Long Loneliness: the autobiography of Dorothy Day. San Francisco, Harper & Row, 1981 c.1952. xxiii, 288p.
- On Pilgrimage. New York, Catholic Worker Books, c.1948. 175p.
- On Pilgrimage: The Sixties. New York, Curtis Books, c.1972. 383p.
- Therese. Springfield,IL, Templegate, c.1979. xiv, 178p.
Anthologies of writings by Dorothy Day
- Ellsberg, Robert (ed). Dorothy Day, selected writings: By little and by little. Maryknoll, NY, Orbis Books, c.1992.xli,371p.
- Mitchell, Patricia (Ed.). A Radical Love:Wisdom From Dorothy Day. Ijamsville, Maryland, The Word Among Us Press, 2000. 143p.Quigley, Margaret and Michael Garvey (eds). The Dorothy Day book. Springfield, IL, Templegate, c.1982.124p.
- Vishnewski, Stanley (ed). Meditations/Dorothy Day. New York, Paulist Press, c.1970. 93p.
- Note: Dorothy Day was a journalist and wrote extensively for Commonweal and other publications in addition to the Catholic Worker newspaper. Readers should consult the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature from 1930-1960 under "Day, Dorothy" for references to her articles in these other publications. A partial list of Day's articles in the Catholic Worker and other publications appears in Anne Klejment's bibliography, Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker: a bibliography and index.
Biographies of Dorothy Day
- Coles, Robert. Dorothy Day: a radical devotion. Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., c.1987. xxi, 182p.
- Egan, Eileen. Dorothy Day and the permanent revolution. Erie, PA, Benet Press, 1983. 24p.
- Forest, Jim. Love Is the Measure: A Biography of Dorothy Day. New York, Paulist Press, c.1986. x, 224p.
- Miller, William D. Dorothy Day: A Biography. San Francisco, Harper & Row, c.1982. xv, 527p.
- Miller, William D. A Harsh and Dreadful Love: Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement. New York, Liveright, c.1973. xvi,370p.
- O'Grady, Jim. Dorothy Day: with love for the poor. Staten Island, NY, Ward Hill Press, c.1993. 115p.
- Roberts, Nancy. Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker. Albany, State University of New York Press, c.1984. 226p.
Dorothy Day - philosophy and spirituality
- Allaire, James, and Broughton, Rosemary. Praying With Dorothy Day. Winona, MN: Saint Mary's Press, 1995. 127p.
- Merriman, Brigid O'Shea. Called to be holy: Dorothy Day and the retreat movement. Notre Dame, IN, University of Notre Dame, c.1992.40p.
- Merriman, Brigid O'Shea. Searching for Christ: the Spirituality of Dorothy Day. Notre Dame, IN, University of Notre Dame, c.1994. xi, 333p.
- Miller, William D. All Is Grace: the Spirituality of Dorothy Day. Garden City, NY, Doubleday, c.1987. 216p.
- O'Connor, June. The Moral Vision of Dorothy Day: a feminist perspective. New York, Crossroads, c.1991. x, 123p.
Books about the Catholic Worker Movement
- Aronica, Michele Theresa. Beyond Charismatic Leadership: the New York Catholic Worker Movement. New Brunswick, Transaction Books, c.1987. xi, 197p.
- Cleaver, Richard G. New Heaven, New Earth: Practical Essays on the Catholic Worker Program. Marion, SD, Rose Hill Books, c.1993. iv, 81p.
- Coles, Robert. A Spectacle Unto the World: the Catholic Worker Movement. New York, Viking Press, c.1973. xv, 71p.
- Cornell, Thomas C. and Jim Forest. A Penny a Copy: Readings from the Catholic Worker. New York, Macmillan, c.1968. xvi, 271p.
- Coy, Patrick G. (ed). A Revolution of the Heart: essays on the Catholic Worker. Philadelphia, Temple University Press, c.1988.xiv,388p.
- Dierks, Sheila D. and Patricia P. Ladley. Catholic Worker Houses: Ordinary Miracles. Kansas City, MO, Sheed & Ward, c.1988. 114p.
- Ellis, Marc. A Year at the Catholic Worker. New York, Paulist Press, c.1978. 140p.
- Flynn, Toni. Finding my way: a journey along the rim of the Catholic Worker Movement. Los Osos, CA, Sand River Press, c.1989. xvi, 84p.
- Garvey, Michael. Confessions of a Catholic Worker. Chicago, Thomas More Press, c.1978. 132p.
- Klejment, Anne and Nancy L. Roberts (Eds.). American Catholic Pacifism: The Influence of Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1996.
- Murray, Harry. Do Not Neglect Hospitality: the Catholic Worker Movement and the Homeless. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1990.viii,285p.
- Penatar, Michael P. The Social Thought of the Catholic Worker on the Negro. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 1952.iv,213p.
- Piehl, Mel. Breaking Bread: The Catholic Worker and the Origin of Catholic Radicalism in America. Philadelphia, Temple University Press, c.1984. 314p.
- Sicius, Francis J. The Word Made Flesh: the Chicago Catholic Worker and the Emergence of Lay Activism in the Church. Lanham, MD, University Press of America, c.1990. xiv, 197p.
Books by or about other Catholic Worker leaders
- Cullen, Michael (with Don Ranly). A Time To Dance: The Mike Cullen Story. Celina, OH: Messenger Press, 1972.
- Dietrich, Jeff.Reluctant Resister. Greensboro, NC: Unicorn Press, 1983.
- Eichenberg, Fritz.Works of Mercy. Maryknoll, NY, Orbis Books, c.1992. 109p.
- Ellis, Mark. Peter Maurin: Prophet in the Twentieth Century. New York, Paulist Press, c.1981.191p.
- Hennacy, Ammon. Autobiography of a Catholic Anarchist. New York, Catholic Worker Books, 1954. 314p.
- Hennacy, Ammon. The Book of Ammon. Baltimore, MD, Fortkamp Publishing Co., 1994. 510p.
- Maurin, Peter. Easy Essays. Chicago, Franciscan Herald Press, 1984 c.1977. 216p.
- Sheehan, Arthur T. Peter Maurin: gay believer. Garden City, NY, Hanover House, 1959. 217p.
- Stoughton, Judith. Proud Donkey of Schaerbeek: Ade Bethune, Catholic Worker artist. St. Cloud, MN, North Star Press, c.1988. xiv,104p.
- Thomas, Joan. The Years of Grief and Laughter: A "Biography" of Ammon Hennacy. Baltimore, MD, Fortkamp Publishing Co., 1993 c.1974,342p.
- Troester, Rosalie Riegle (ed). Voices from the Catholic Worker. Philadelphia, Temple University Press, c.1993. xxi, 597p.
- Vishnewski, Stanley. Wings of Dawn. New York, Catholic Worker, 1984. 231p.
Other books of interest
- [While these books are not entirely about Dorothy Day or the Catholic Worker movement, they do contain significant segments on these topics.]
- Betten, Neil. Catholic Activism and the Industrial Worker. Gainesville, University Presses of Florida, c.1976. x,191p.
- Callahan, Annice. Spiritual Guides for Today: Evelyn Underhill, Dorothy Day, Karl Rahner, Simone Weil, Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen. New York, Crossroad, 1992. 176p.
- Coles, Robert. The Call to Service: A Witness to Idealism. Boston, MA, Houghton-Mifflin, c.1993. 303p.
- Craig, Robert H. Religion and Radical Politics: An Alternative Christian Tradition in the United States. Philadelphia, Temple University Press, c.1992. 320p.
- Deedy, John G. Seven American Catholics. Chicago, Thomas More Press, 1978. 204p.
- Delaney, John J. Saints Are Now: Eight Portraits of Modern Sanctity. Garden City, NY, Image Books, 1983 c.1981. 222p.
- Fisher, James Terence. The Catholic counterculture in America, 1933-1962. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, c.1989. xv, 305p.
- Francis, Mark and Kathleen Hughes (eds). Living No Longer For Ourselves: Liturgy and Justice for the Nineties. Collegeville, MN, Liturgical Press, 1991. 208p.
- McDonald, Donald. Catholics in Conversation: Seventeen Interviews with Leading American Catholics. Westport, CT, Greenwood Press,1978 c.1960. 288p.
- McNeal, Patricia. Harder Than War: Catholic Peacemaking in Twentieth-Century America. New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University Press, c.1992. 310p.
- O'Brien, David J. American Catholics and Social Reform: The New Deal Years. New York, Oxford University Press, 1968.
- O'Brien, David J. The Renewal of American Catholicism. New York, Oxford University Press, 1972.
- Occhiogrosso, P. Once A Catholic. Boston, Houghton-Mifflin, 1987. xxi, 371p.
- Paulsell, William O. Tough minds, tender hearts: six prophets of social justice. New York, Paulist Press, c.1990. vi, 207p.
- Sandeen, Ernest (ed). The Bible and Social Reform. Atlanta, GA, Scholars Press, 1982.
- Wills, Garry. Certain Trumpets: The Call of Leaders. New York, Simon & Schuster, c.1994. 336p.
Unpublished theses on Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement
- Anderson, Ruth Diana. The character and communication of a modern- day prophet: a rhetorical analysis of Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker. Ph.D. -- University of Oregon, 1979. vi, 218p.
- Dega, Mary Benedicta Sister. The Catholic Worker in Detroit, 1937 to 1967. M.A. -- Marquette University, 1968. 114p.
- Frary, Thomas. The ecclesiology of Dorothy Day. Ph.D. -- Marquette University, 1972. 226p.
- Groutt, Kathleen McKenna. A metahealth analysis of the lives of Gwendolyn Brooks, Dorothy Day, Ruth Gordon, Anais Nin, Georgia O'Keefe. Ph.D. -- University of Maryland, College Park, 1986. v,189p.
- LeBrun, John Leo. The role of the Catholic Worker movement in American pacifism, 1933-1972. Ph.D. -- Case Western Reserve University, 1973. xi, 422p.
- Lifton, Norman. Saintliness and deviance: the Catholic Worker Movement. Ph.D. -- University of Connecticut, 1981. v, 654p.
- Murray, Harry William. Isaiah's fast: the practice of hospitality in the Catholic Worker Movement. Ph.D. -- Syracuse University,1987. vi, 583p.
- Sandberg, John Stuart. The eschatological ethic of the Catholic worker. S.T.D. -- Catholic University of America, 1978. 353p.
- Scheiber, Richard. Voluntary poverty and the Catholic Worker Movement. M.A. -- Marquette University, 1978. 35p.
- Sicius, Francis Joseph. The Chicago Catholic Worker Movement 1936 to the present. Ph.D. -- Loyola University of Chicago, c.1979. vii,317p.
- Statnick, Roger Andrew. Dorothy Day's religious conversion: a study in biographical theology. Ph.D. -- University of Notre Dame,1983.ii,373p.
- Stinson, Donald J. A propaganda analysis of the pacifist communications of the Catholic Worker movement in the United States from 1933 to 1965. Ph.D. -- New York University, 1969. 483p.
Periodicals -- Articles about Dorothy Day
- [multiple authors] Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement; symposium. America 127:378, 380-99, November 11, 1972.
- [multiple authors] Incarnating love: Dorothy Day and the Catholic Workers. Sojourners v.5 no.10, December 1976.
- Berrigan, D. A day to remember. U.S. Catholic 46:30-2,May 1981.
- Campbell, D. The Catholic earth mother: Dorothy Day and women's power in the church. Cross Currents 34:270-82, Fall 1984.
- Coles, R. Dorothy Day. New Republic 184:28-32, June 6, 1981.
- Cort, J.C. Dorothy Day at 75. Commonweal 97:475-6, February 23, 1973.
- Coy, Patrick C. The Incarnational Spirituality of Dorothy Day. Spirituality Today 39:114-125, Summer 1987.
- Cunneen, S. Dorothy Day: the storyteller as human model. Cross Currents 34:283-93, Fall 1984.
- Dreyer, Elizabeth. American spirituality: the active-contemplative paradox. The Catholic World 234:56+, March-April 1991.
- Fehren, Henry et al. The spiritual art of three modern masters: from Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton, and Anthony de Mello, Catholics can learn the fine art of Christian living. U.S. Catholic 59:33+, June 1994.
- Frary, Thomas. "Thy Kingdom Come" -- The Theology of Dorothy Day. America 127:385-7, 11 November, 1972.
- Fremantle, A. The work of Dorothy Day in the slums. Catholic World 170:333-7, February 1950.
- Gregory, J. Remembering Dorothy Day. America 144:344-7, April 25, 1981.
- Jordan, P. Dorothy Day: still a radical. Commonweal 112:665-9,
November 29, 1985.
- Lahutsky, Nadia M. The radical Dorothy Day or, How a leftist journalist found her way in the Roman Catholic church. Religion and Public Education 14:401-440, Fall 1987.
- MacDonald, D. Profiles: The Foolish Things of the World -- I & II.
New Yorker 28:37-40+, October 4, 1952 and New Yorker 28:37-42+,
October 11, 1952.
- Matzko, D.M. Postmodernism, saints and scoundrels. Modern Theology 9:19-36, January 1993.
- Mayer, M. God's panhandler. The Progressive 45:14-15, February 1981.
- Mayer, M. Dollar for Dorothy. The Progressive 41:40-1, November 1977.
- McCarthy, A. Confronting Dorothy Day. Commonweal 104:297+, May 13, 1977.
- McCarthy, A. To see the day! Commonweal 108:711-12, December 18, 1981.
- McCarthy, Colman. Colman McCarthy on Dorothy Day; interview.
New Republic 168:30-3, February 24, 1973.
- McFague, Sallie. Conversion: life on the edge of the raft. Interpretation 32:255-268, July 1978.
- Miller, W.D. The Church and Dorothy Day. Critic 35:62-70, Fall 1976.
- Miller, W.D. Dorothy Day, 1897-1980: all was grace. America 143:382-6, December 13, 1980.
- Miller, W.D. The gospel of peace: Dorothy Day and Father John Hugo. Studies in Formative Spirituality 7:371-80, November 1986.
- O'Brien, D.J. Pilgrimage of Dorothy Day. Commonweal 107:711-15, December 19, 1980.
- O'Connor, June. Dorothy Day and gender identity: the rhetoric and the reality. Horizons 15:7-20, Spring 1988.
- O'Connor, June. Dorothy Day as autobiographer. Religion 20:275-95,
July 1990.
- O'Connor, June. Dorothy Day's Christian conversion. Journal of Religious Ethics 18:159-80, Spring 1990.
- Roberts, N.L. Building a New Earth: Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker. Christian Century 97:1217-21, December 10, 1980.
- Roberts, N.L. Journalism for Justice: Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker. Journalism History 10:2-9, Spring/Summer 1983.
- Sheed, W. Dorothy Day. Nation 231:660-1, December 20, 1980.
- Vishnewski, S. Dorothy Day: A sign of contradiction. Catholic World 209:203-6, August 1969.
- Vree, D. A radical holiness. Commonweal 110:266-9, May 6,1983.
- Wills, G. Dorothy Day at the barricades. Esquire 100:228-30+, December 1983.
Periodicals -- Articles about the Catholic Worker
- Benziger, M.G. Caritas Christi: Catholic Workers Mission, New York. Catholic World 144:220-3, November 1936.
- Betten, N. The Great Depression and the activities of the Catholic Worker movement. Labor History 12:243-58, Spring 1971.
- Betten, N. Social Catholicism and the Emergence of Catholic Radicalism in America. Journal of Human Relations 18:710-27, 1970.
- Breig, J.A. Apostle on the bum. Commonweal 28:9-12, April 29,1938.
- Brunini, J.G. Catholic paper vs. communism. Commonweal 19:96-8, November 24, 1933.
- Burke, S. How not to help the poor. U.S. Catholic 49:28-30,
August 1984.
- Collum, Danny Duncan. Doing the Lord's work: churches energize the Left. The Progressive 53:34+, February 1989.
- Cort, J.C. Catholic Worker and the workers. Commonweal 55:635-7,
April 4, 1952.
- Cort, J.C. My life at the Catholic Worker. Commonweal 107:361-7,
June 20, 1980.
- Dietrich, J. Kingdom of God and of the poor. America 145:422-3, December 21, 1981.
- Egan, Eileen. The final word is love. Cross Currents 30:377-84, Winter 1980/81.
- Egan, Eileen. First volunteer; S. Vishnewski. Commonweal 106:709- 11, December 21, 1979.
- Egan, Eileen. In New York din, Catholic Worker called loudest.
National Catholic Reporter 24:12+, February 26, 1988.
- Ellis, M. The legacy of Peter Maurin. Cross Currents 34:294-304, Fall 1984.
- Fantino, E. Children of poverty. Commonweal 62:271-4, June 17,1955.
- Forest, J. Roots of Catholic resistance. Catholic World 214:63-4, November 1971.
- Fremantle, A. Good like bread. Saturday Review 35:12-13, March 1, 1952.
- Hyre, Meg et al. The scholars must become workers so the workers may become scholars: by three Catholic workers. Religion and Intellectual Life 7:12-25, Winter 1990.
- Linner, Rachelle. Bread and roses [personal reflections on voluntary poverty]. Katallagete 8, No.1:19-28, Summer 1982.
- Lobve, W. Public theology and the Catholic Worker. Cross Currents 26:270-85, Fall 1976.
- MacEoin, Gary. Lay movement in the United States before Vatican II: a rash of movements mushroomed in the late 1940's -- liturgical, interracial, pacifist. America 165:61+, August 3, 1991.
- McCarthy, Tim. Light of Day shines yet at Catholic Worker. National Catholic Reporter 29:9+, May 21, 1993.
- McNeal, P. Origins of the Catholic peace movement. Review of Politics 35:346-74, July 1973.
- Mottet, Marvin. How can you give to the poor when you have to pay the rent? (an interview with Fr. Marvin Mottet) U.S. Catholic 50:19-26, August 1985.
- O'Connell, Mary. The light's still on at the Catholic Worker House. U.S. Catholic 57:28+, March 1992.
- O'Gara, J. The rock of contention. Commonweal 110:275-7, May 6, 1983.
- Piehl, M. The Catholic Worker and American religious tradition.
Cross Currents 34:259-69, Fall 1984.
- Roberts, N.L. The Catholic Worker: 50 years of fortitude.
Christian Century 100:388-9, April 27, 1983.
- Vishnewski, S. Life in community: Peter Maurin farming commune. Catholic World 185:346-51, August 1957.
- Wakefield, D. Miracle in the Bowery. Nation 182:91-2, February 4, 1956.
- West, M. How far does the line go back? America 152:189-91, March 9, 1985.
- Willock, E. Catholic radicalism. Commonweal 58: 630-3, October 2, 1953.
- White, G.A. Simone Weil's work experiences: from Wigan pier to Chrystie Street. Cross Currents 31:129-49, Summer 1981.
Many of the Catholic Worker communities in the United States publish their own newspapers or newsletters. The best-known and longest running one is The Catholic Worker (36 East First St.,New York, N.Y. 10003). Many of the Catholic Worker newspapers, both current and defunct, are available from Marquette University's library under the subject "Catholic Worker Movement -- Periodicals". An index of articles appearing in the Catholic Worker (New York) from 1933-1983 can be found on p.43 of Anne Klejment's bibliography, Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker: a bibliography and index.
Note: While articles from mainstream newspapers are not included in this bibliography, readers may locate these by searching online (Nexis, Datatimes, and Dialog) or in the National Newspaper Index on CD-ROM. However, due to the historical nature of this topic, most searching will have to be done manually in the bound indexes of the newspapers for the geographical areas of interest, e.g. the New York Times Index.
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501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and is part of the Catholic Worker Movement.